Chapter 13: The Missing Pieces

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I love you.

Three words I thought I would never hear in my life. Yet hear I am, entangled with my lover between my arms. I'm pained when I think what could of happened...what would have happened if (Y/N) never chased after me.

I don't like to rush into things, I don't like to get hurt. I'm constantly afraid of showing my true emotions, afraid I'll be alone.  But... is it okay I'm rushing into this? Is it okay that I love her?

What about my brother? What am I even going to do?

Many thoughts were on my mind but, I can't seem to think of anything other than her.

"Speaking of which Saeyoung, I bumped into the most peculiar man on the way to see you. I think he's a new teacher, he looked the part."

I just hold her tight and breath in her scent. She smelled like rain on a summer day... she smelled like home.

"Saeyoung are you even listening to me?"

I only hummed as a response, till she poked me in the ribs.

"Ouch that hurt you know."

She only laughed into my chest.

"Tell me more about this man you bumped into, I'm sure the story is very interesting"

She chuckles and ruffles my hair. Oh how I love her laughter...

"It actually is, when I was storming up the stairs and slamming open the door guess what I did? I body chucked myself into an unsuspecting bystander! I felt so bad but was in a hurry. He was beautiful! He had long brown hair and gold eyes just like you! It's was crazy. Did I mention he was tall to! I didn't know I was strong enough to knock over someone like him!"

I only sunk further into her grip and nodded. My gaze drifted to the outside window as I notices threw the clear white curtains the sun was completely gone.

The girl dorms are on the other side of campus and its probably not the best idea for her to walk back alone at this time of night... which means on thing...

"Looks like your mine for the night, my sweet, sweet (Y/N)"

Her glossy eyes peer up at me with curiosity, "what do you mean?"

I shifted to my side to let her see out the window behind me. She gasped and shot up. "I didn't even realize how late it was! I need to go!"

She started to the door before I pulled back into my arms on the bed. I whisper breathlessly in her ear "Its to late for that now princess, you're mine tonight"

I see her complexation turn rosy red as she tries to push me away. "No funny business mister!" I just laugh in the tiniest of pain because she elbowed me in the ribs.

She seemed to be thinking of all her possible routes yet it doesn't seem like she can come up with another plausible option.

"Okay I'll stay the night here but, I'm serious no funny business."

I feel an unintentional smile pull at my lips. "Sure, sure. Just change into this, it probably wont be comfortable to sleep in that."

She looks down at her wrinkled school uniform and loafers, once again she blushes. "Ya I guess..." She snatches the extra t-shirt in my hand and tells me to turn around.

"do I have tooo" I felt like a child complaining about taking out the trash.



I swivel around and look out the window, convincing myself she would give me a black eye if I peeked. I feel a soft tap on my shoulder as I turn around and nearly pass out from shock.

My Sun and Moon (Saeyoung x reader)Where stories live. Discover now