Chapter 8: Realization

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(Saeyoung's POV)

She likes me but... doesn't want to hurt me...?
What a load of horse shit...

My phone vibrates in my pocket as I look the tear puddles (Y/N) left behind. An unknown number appears on my screen.

"What do you need Vanderwood, it's not a good time right now"

"It's never a good time with you, I need you to submit your finds on Company X asap. Boss is on my ass about this so hurry up."

I continue to stare at my feet before answering. "Ya sure I'll get around to it."

"You better."


(Y/N) what are you doing to me?

(Jumin POV)

Every since my conversation with Saeyoung, I have had this pit in my stomach. I don't like to give into my emotions, especially when all they do I hold me back but... this is different.

I sit in the Male dorms common room waiting to meet my visitor. I was told someone had a gift to drop off from over seas so I assumed it was father's doing. How mistaken I was.

Jihyun in all his glory walks threw the old wooden oak doors with the same old smile plastered on his face.

"Hey Jumin, how are you?"

"Jihyun- I mean V, it's been awhile... why are you here?"

He laughs lightly and smiles, "what can I not visit family every now and then?"

Family huh?

"Speaking of which Jumin, where's (Y/N)? I haven't seen her at all..."

His pause and stare are what got me, not the intense feeling of guilt in my gut.

"I- we had a fight a couple days ago. I haven't talked to her since..."

"Jumin... she's family you can't just shut her out..."

"You don't get it V!! She told me she loved me! Then the next day she was with another guy!!! She lied, she played with my heart!"

Just the idea of Saeyoung and (Y/N) together makes my blood boil. I have known Saeyoung since last year but, he has always been quite. Only recently did his personality do a 180.

"Jumin, have you stopped to consider maybe it was all a misunderstanding. Maybe she's just confused right now and needs a friend to help guide her."

"That's a load of bull and you know it. She doesn't love me, no one does. Everything she said was a lie."

"Well why don't you just tell me what exactly happened."

I start to rattle off the past three days in order of how shitty I felt. After carefully listening to every thing I said V did something unthinkable.

He started to laugh his ass off.

"Jumin, oh lord" he was weazing. "You're such an idiot. You need to apologize, she's obviously very hurt and vulnerable right now. And on the topic of Saeyoung, you don't need to worry about him. There just friends but, that shouldn't matter to you right? After all you don't like her like that... right?"

"I... I don't like her like... that. I do love her though but, I could never see her as something other than a sister."

"That my friend is what you tell her. Tell her your sorry, you only see her as family and you can still be friends. Okay?"

I look at V unsure but nod yes anyways. "Sure okay, when do I tell her?"

The mint hair man looked like it was the obvious answer in the world.

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