Chapter 5: The Ending and the Begining

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I lay in my bed and stair at my eggshell white ceiling. My dress is in a heap in the corner and my make up is dried in streaks down my face.

Why me? Why did I even think it was going to be a good idea?

All I can think back to is, Jumin's confused expression and hurt face. Like I hurt him, and not the other way around.

Part of me wants to take it back but, the other part of me wants to be true. To be myself. A couple years ago, when Eric stopped coming home and "V" left to go on a spiritual journey, I was very, very codependent on Jumin. I suppose now that I have said how I really feel, I can move on... in a sense.

I was with Jumin 24/7, all the time. I guess, now that we are separated I can finally spread my wings?

All I can really do is groan in frustration, trying to find at least 5 pros to the many cons of confessing. Especially since it turned out bad, all I can do is hope and purge my memories.

My brain knows that Jumin and me were not "meant to be" but, my heart still thinks it's to early to give up. My thoughts are interrupted by my alarm clock going off, alerting me to "Get up".

Safe to say, that ain't going to happen today sis.

I turn my alarm off and strip down out of my tear soaked shirt. I make my way to the bathroom and turn the shower to steamy hot. I find myself thinking that maybe, just maybe it was all a dream or that the hot water will wash all the pain away. I step in and feel the water rush over me like rain gliding down a window. Smooth, quick and effortless.

I finish up with a shave of my legs and look in my fogged mirror. The showers steam from the night before, still left an out line of Jumin's name and a faded heart. I wipe away the markings on my mirror and stare at my reflection. My skin has a reddish tint under my eyes from crying and my cheeks are swollen, most likely from howling into my pillow threw all hours of the night. My nose feels raw probably from all the snot I shot out as, I rub it one last time.

I move away from the mirror and put on a large sweat shirt with an English quote saying "Envision the future, even when you can't see the present". I throw on some saggy sweat pants and slippers as I head down stairs.

I expected to see a completely empty kitchen and living room but, to my surprise it had a single occupant. From affair it looked like a tall man with shady intentions but, the closer i got the more i recognized. The shadowy figure turns to me with a small frown.

"How long were you going to make me wait? I'm ready just to throw your dorm's AC unit in the trash, it's God awful."

My (color) eyes gleam at his golden orbs in surprise and wonder.

"Saeyoung what are you doing here? Don't you have class?"

He looks at me with a are you serious face, as makes a small hand gesture.

"I'm here to spend time with you and make you feel better. If it wasn't obvious enough yet".

"You don't have-"

I was cut off with a hand to my face and a raised eyebrow.

"I'm doing this because you would do it for me... Plus honey buddha chips are on sale at the super market".

I just laugh and head to the kitchen to grab an apple.

"So when do we leave , Mr. "honey buddha"."

"What do you mean silly? We are leaving now!"

Suddenly I'm by yanked by arm to the front door. "Wait- Saeyoung i can't go like this! I have bunny slippers on!"

He just laughs and talks as he pulls me to the parking lot. "Don't worry so much, besides i think they're cute!"

(Jumin POV)

"I have really loved you for a long time..."
Her words keep replaying in my head. Why do I feel bad? What I said was the truth so, why do I feel sad?

I walked away without looking back because, I couldn't stand the sight of her crying. Why didn't she just keep her secret? We could have just gone on as normal...

My head is up in the clouds as I walk to class. I sit on my seat as I over hear a class mate talking about tomorrow.

"I can't wait to meet her! I wonder if she's hot"

"Are you even sure, the transfer student is a girl?"

"Ya totally! I heard right from the principal! She'll be here tomorrow!!"

A new transfer student huh?

((Y/N) POV)

We walk till the sun is setting around an amusement park because, "it will make me all better" to quote Saeyoung. All through out the time we wandered threw out town Saeyoung held my hand, i felt like he thought if he didn't , I'd get lost.

"(Y/N) we should go on that!"

He points at the Farris wheel touching the sky. For the first time tonight, I really smiled.

"I would love to do that"

We share a smile and we continue into the line. I have never been on a Farris wheel, in fact I really have never been to an amusement park at all. I have always dreamed of riding Farris wheel and touching the clouds.

"Let's go! I can't wait!"

I lay my head on his shoulder and look out over the amusement park. My mind drifts to last night and the blunder that was the dance.

"(Y/N), I hoped you really enjoyed this. I had a blast!"

I laughed at his energy, even though we had such a long and tiring day. My smile fills my face as my laugh only grows.

He starts to smile as well and laugh. Together we just laugh and smile for no real reason despite just appreciating each other's company.

He made me feel truly happy.

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