Chapter 16: A Fool's Paradise

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"Are you Saeren Choi? Did you lie to me?"

Instead of him looking frightened or panicked he just looked confused.

"Um no, my name is Ray Park. I never lied to you... who was that you were on the phone with just now?"

"...My boyfriend, he's convinced he saw his long lost brother this morning. Tell me Ray, who were you running from this morning when we bumped into each other? Was it a red haired, about 6ft 3 guy?"

He frowned his sliver brows and said "what no, I was running from my fans.. I'm actually alittle famous. I'm sorry your boyfriend must have been confused. If you want to, you can check my ID"

He reaches into his pocket and sifts around until he pulls out a Japanese Issued Drivers license.

Ray Park
Birthday: 3/ 4/ 20**
Address: 143 HighLands Street, Tokyo Japan
Phone: 781-***-***
Registration # 3572992571
Date issued: 7/5/20**
Expiration date: 5/19/20**
Organ Donner

Anyone can fake an ID... should I believe him?

"Listen (Y/N), I can't make you believe but if you look me up in the Internet; you'll know I'm not lying."

Well it wouldn't hurt...

I pull out my smartphone and type into google "Ray Park". The first thing to come up besides the many photos of him on stage is a news article, with a title stating "New Star on the Rise". I scroll down and it says, "Ray park is an up-and-coming musical artist making it big in Japanese Tec'ho-no music industry. He is well known and loved by his fans for his unique take on the use of base and beat-drops threw-out his songs."

"Wow... you're really famous... that's amazing" I say with shock. I hand back his ID and bow deeply. "I'm sorry, I thought you were  his brother. I didn't mean to accuse you."

He just laughs and scratches his head. "It's okay, that was a little nerve racking though. It felt as if I was under investigation."

"Ya.. haha.. my bad. It's just crazy how similar you look like, it's almost like you actually are related!"

We start walking away from the cafe after he puts down 20$ for the waiter. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Saeyoung.

"My bad, it's not him "

After I put it away, I start up a conversation with Ray.

"So your license says your from Tokyo. I think that's really cool! Are you originally from there?"

He smiled his pearly white teeth as his sliver hair flowed in the spring breeze.

"Actually no I'm not; Originally I was born here but, moved to japan shortly after my birth to live with my entire extended family."

"Wow that so cool! My only family is my Mom, Dad, my brother Eric, Jumin and Seayoung." I smile gazing into his minty eyes.

"Wait hold on. Your related to your boyfriend? Isn't that like incest?"

I laughed out loud and wiped an imaginary tear away.

"Not by blood silly! Jumin and Saeyoung are my family but that doesn't mean we have to be related by blood!"

"I don't understand. Is this an American thing?"

I just laugh and mutter "perhaps".

(Saeyoung POV)

My phone beeps as I search the campus ground more. (Y/N) said it wasn't him but... how would she be able to tell the difference?

A strange feeling was tugging at my heart, like something very bad might happen. I just sigh and wait for her to call, no point in worrying about it now...


Ray and myself had talked for about and hour when he decided it was time to leave. I felt like I made a new friend and was excited to see him again soon.

"It was really nice to meet you Ray! We can we meet again? I feel we're going to be great friends!"

He smiled his white perfect smile and said "I can give my number so we can text, why don't you come by sometime? I could make us lunch and we could play video games?"

"That sounds great! I would need to check and make sure it clear but, sure!"

He nods and hands me a slip of paper with his info written on it.

"Text me soon (Y/N), you seem really nice."

"Thanks, you to!"

With that he left and I sat staring at the slip in my hand.

He seemed really nice but, the more I think about it the more I feel like he's Saeyoung' brother... not that I would know though.

I sit and think about my issues and how Akashi can't seem to leave me alone and now I suddenly going to this new guys house? What am I doing?

I need to talk with Saeyoung about all of this and make it clear to Akashi that he needs to knock if off. All he's doing is making me uncomfortable.

I set some cash down on the table and head back to campus, ready for whatever awaits me.

Time skip~

"Saeyoung!" I call out as I knock on his door. I hear a click and a tall figure opens the door.

It's that man that I bumped into! The new teacher guy!

"Oh I'm sorry is this a bad time? I can come back." I say with my mind questioning why he would be in my boyfriend's room.

"No it's okay, I'm leaving now. Good bye Saeyoung".

As he passes me I get the distinct smell of caramel. How odd...

"Hey babe" his voice clears my mind as I walk into his arms. "Hey..."

He tells me about his brother and what he felt like when he saw him. How happy he was but, surprised he ran away. About how on edge he was because our call, even after I apologized and cleared things up.

I kinda feel bad..

I was telling him about Ray and how I decided I needed to tell Akashi to back off.

"Yeah I decided he was being way to forward with me and it needed to stop. I want to remain VP but, I'll quit if it keeps threatening our relationship. I just feel really uncomfortable around him. He doesn't respect us." I say as lay in his arms.

He just sighed and muttered, "I really don't like that guy and if you want me to beat him up I will. You just say the word princess."

I quietly laugh, "it's okay but, when I sort things out with him tomorrow, it would be nice if you were there. To *ahem* back me up and what not."

He smiled and agreed, I told him of Ray's plans with me to play video games and have lunch. I asked if he wanted to come, naturally because he's the best gamer I know.

He agreed, and I felt myself smile.

"This... this is so nice."

He wraps him long arm around my wait as I look up to him, as we lay on his bed. He just hums as I decide to sneak a kiss.

I intended for it to be short and sweet but, once our lips connected, it made me feel like I was on fire.  Sparks and a warm feeling in my chest made me whole. After in intense make-out session I smile into the kiss. Our foreheads resting against each other as we catch our breath.

"So this is what loves feels like?" I say breathlessly.

"I think I have to agree" he huffs as his hand slips under my shirt. He starts to kiss down my neck as I moan at his touch. I felt bites down my shoulder, chest and neck before I push him off.

"Babe I love you but, I want to wait a bit longer okay? I'm not ready yet..."

He nods and kisses me softy before whispering "that's okay, I'll wait."

And once again, I stayed the night in his arms.

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