Chapter 20: Constellations

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Somewhere else...

Saeyoung felt fear take over his ever cell. It happened in the matter of seconds, Rika fired a shot and (Y/N) fell like a rock. He wasn't fast enough to catch her as she fell, she landed on her head and was imminently unconscious. In watching his lovers body fall, he didn't notice Saeren run like his life depended on it and throw himself on Rika.

Only when he heard the second shot did he wake up from his daze. His eyes snapped over to Saeren body slumped over on the ground.

"What have you done?!"

He felt his world crash right before him. He picked up (Y/N) and rushed to Saren, pulling them both to safety.

"The police are on their way! You won't get away with this! Your going to pay for brainwashing him and shooting them both!"

He held them close as he backed into a corner, praying for a miracle.

Thankfully, wishes seem to be granted quite often nowadays.

A shock grenade is thrown into the room as the door is kicked down by shielded police men flooding in, filling and drowning the assailants in pure dominance.

Their fury was quick and precise, effectively and efficiently taking down the hostiles simultaneously.

Before Seayoung, could even recognize what was happening, it was already finished.

(Saeyoung POV)

I don't know if I ever really realized how quite and blank hospitals truly are. I suppose you don't find the time to really examine the specks of dust on the walls unless your finding ways to distract yourself.

When (Y/N) fell and hit her head she was instantly unconscious, the doctors told me with a combination of blood loss from the gun shot and the damaging concussion, that she most likely would be in coma for a week or so recovering. They told me she was lucky that they got to her so fast, otherwise the brain damage she received would have become permanent. Regarding the gunshot, apparently she was shot in a non fatal part of her body, though she did sustain large blood loss, none of her internal organs were punctuated or damaged.

Once again she is a lucky one.

Saeren though wasn't so lucky... we didn't even get to have a proper conversation before someone was trying to kill us. When he jumped and pushed Rika's gun out of the way, he turned it on himself. He was shot in the stomach, immediately he was rushed into surgery to retrieve the bullet and to close the wound.

In addition to his physical injuries, Mint Eye has poisoned his mind, challenging his belief of reality itself. I was told that even when he wakes up, which in his condition could be weeks to months, he still would need years of therapy and mental checks. He was mentally and physically abused from such a young age that he most likely will not be able to function as a proper adult for years unless he gets the proper assistance he needs.

Despite all of our obstacles I won't give up on him, I can't.
I can't leave him after everything that has happened, i can't let him be alone again.

No matter what... we're all going to be okay, we're all going to be together.


"Miss Rika, it's time to take your medicine..."
"Miss it's time to take your medicine, please open the door"
"If you don't open the door Miss Rika, I will call security"

"Oh my god..."

"Someone class an ambulance! She hung herself! Someone help me cut her down, we still might have time!"

(Saeren POV)

All I can really feel is the cold, the comfort in the silence faded awhile ago. All know is the fear of truly being alone...

Am I dead?

No... I feel this light... this warmth

What is it?

Light floods my vision, I feel weight on my lap and hear small snores faintly as I adjust to my surroundings.

I can breath again, I can see, I can feel.
What is the warmth I feel surging in my chest?
Is this happiness...

"Oh my god your awake! Saeyoung wake up!"

I look to the open door, there stands a beautiful girl with (H/C) locks, framing her heart shaped face. Her eyes shine (E/C), with a hopeful small smile. In her small hands carries two mugs of coffee, hot steam rising and filling the air.

I suddenly feel the weight on my lap shift and eventually fade away completely, there sits my brothers stretching and rubbing his tired eyes.

Instantly once Saeyoung realized who was awake, he pounced into a tight hug, holding me so close I felt a shortness in breath.

I felt surprise to the whole situation entirely but, I was even more shocked when I felt his tears cascading down my back.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I loved you..." he repeated like a mantra, in a cracked and whispered voice. If I didn't know he was overcome with joy, I would have mistaken his tone for extreme grief.

"What happened...?"

I looked between the girl that looks all to familiar and my brother, they sigh and just frown.

She walks over to my side and holds my available hand.

"I don't know if you remembered me but, my name is (Y/N) and I'm your brothers girlfriend. We also were staying together for a time being before you were put in the hospital."

"(Y/N)... I think remember you. I... I'm not sure" I pulled my hands for my brother and the girl and grasp my hair.

I try slow my breathing but, it's no secret that I'm having a panic attack.

Suddenly when I felt my vision begin to go out of focus and I felt myself falling into the darkness once again, two hands held me tight and called out my name.

I felt myself being pulled from the panic into two sets of arms, protecting me and holding me close.

A single thought was shared between the three, a joyous thought that brought tears to Saeyoung's eyes...
We're finally all together.

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