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December 9th, 2019

"So, how far along am I? I ask my doctor, while holding Zane's hand, who was next to me.

"You're two months already, did you notice any signs two months ago?" The doctor asks, confused.

"Not that I remember.. I didn't get my period but that's because I'm on the pill, but you did tell me that because of my anxiety meds, the birth control might not work.. As for the puking, I just thought I was sick because I felt so sick, and I was around a friend who had the flu," I explain.

"Well, I highly suggest downloading a pregnancy app, to track everything. And I'm gonna send you home with this packet, it tells you need to eat everyday and things that will help you for the next month. I want to see you next month, on the 1st. Congratulations!" My doctor replies, handing me a thick packet.


"I can't believe you're two months along already," Zane says as we walk out of the building.

"I know, me neither," I respond.

"It's gonna be so much easier for me then, because I suck at keeping massive secrets," Zane jokes.

"I know you do," I joke.

He grabs my hand and helps me into his car after opening the passenger door.

"Thank you baby," I say, kissing his lips quickly before he shuts the door.

"Anytime," He responds.

He shuts the door after making sure that I'm fully in the car and buckled.

"You know, I have to go film with James Charles tommorow," Zane says as he starts to drive.

"Are you serious?!" I ask in excitement.

I love James Charles.

Him and Manny MUA are the ones who taught me what I know about makeup.

"Yeah, you know that facetuned picture you did of me?" He asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask in response.

"Well, I DMed James about recreating it on my face, and he said he really wants to," Zane explains.

"That's so cool," I reply.

"He wants to meet you, do you wanna come?" Zane offers.

"I'd fucking love to!! Oh my God I'm so excited!!" I exclaim.

"You're so adorable," Zane gushes.

"I love you," I reply.

"I love you more," He replied.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now