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"I literally don't even know where to start," I tell Calum.

I called him over so that he could help me write the three singles that I'm supposed to have by the end of the week.

"Well, when you usually have to cram in three songs in four days, what do you do for inspiration?" He asks.

"That's the thing, I've never done this before. So I really don't know," I reply.

"Well, I can call the boys over and we can all help, I know Michael would be really good at this, he's the eboy of the band," Calum jokes.

"Well, then that'd be nice, until then maybe we should start thinking of Halloween vibes? I don't want it to be straight up Halloween, I want it to be a mix of Halloween vibes and something else, something different for each song," I state.

"Okay, let me call them and then we can work until they get here," He responds and calls Luke, Ashton and Michael.

"You know our song Good Girls?" He asks after he gets off of the phone.

"Of course I do, that song is iconic," I reply, and he chuckles slightly.

"What if you made a dark version of that?" He asks, causing me to furrow my eyebrows, and then he explained it further.

"Okay, our song is about how good girls aren't always good, they're bad too but no one knows about it, they're secretive about it. What if you made yours, like, good girls... going to hell?" He suggests.

"That's actually a really good idea.. Let's start with the chorus?" I offer, and he agrees.

And that my friends, is how the first single was born.

All The Good Girls Go To Hell.

Soon after we finish the song, we go into the recording studio that I had built in my house, and thankfully, Calum knows his way around a booth, so we recorded it.

Zane's POV

Yeah, Calum is here.

Of course, it isn't my favorite idea, considering he's Maya's celebrity crush, has been since she was a teenager, and he's had a crush on her since they met.

However, I do trust her. I suck at song writing, so I couldn't help her, and Bruce is out of town with Carly, apparently he's trying to save their relationship.

So, she called Calum. I'd rather it be Calum than Brad.

I hear a knock at the door, so I get up from the living room where I was watching Game of Thrones, for the 3rd time, and go to the door.

I open the door to see the rest of 5 Seconds of Summer.

"Hey, guys, good to see you again," I say.

"Zane, nice to see you too, uh, Calum called and said that Maya needed help with writing music, so we all came," Ashton says.

He's my favorite. He treats Maya like a little sister, and she's always hated being the oldest.

"Alright, uh, come on in, they're upstairs in the studio," I let them through and tell them.

"Thanks, you wanna come with us?" Michael offers.

"Nah, I'm good, you know Maya hates getting distracted when she's in the zone," I decline.

"He's right, when she was writing Dangerous Woman, I walked into her bedroom and she didn't talk to me for a week, until she finished that song," Luke adds.

"Yeah, that's true. We'll see you later then," Ashton says, and they head upstairs.

Maya's POV

"Hey, guys! We just finished recording the first song, I'm about to send it over to my label and then we can work on the next two singles," I say to the boys when they walk in.

"So for the next single, I'm thinking of a woman who has a rich boyfriend and wants plastic surgery.." I start saying.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now