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"Baby!" I exclaimed, dropping my bags near Matt's car and ran over to Zane, who was standing outside the door with our babies in the double stroller.

I hug him tightly, then kissing his neck quickly a couple of times as Matt parks his car and gets out.

"Your kids are literally right there, keep it TV-14!" Heath jokes, who was holding onto the stroller handles.

We all laugh as I hold onto Zane's neck and look at everyone.

I let go after kissing him again, and move over to my kids.

They both smile widely when they see me, and they reach their arms out to be picked up.

"Oh my God, I missed you guys so much," I state.

"How'd they do?" I ask Zane and Heath.

"Better than expected, Heath even changed a diaper," Zane replies.

"What?! Really?!" I ask, shocked.

"Yeah, Natalie helped me do it right," Heath says proudly.

"I wish Natalie would've been able to come," I say.

David had a lot of meetings and interviews over the time that us girls were going to New York, so she had to stay back and be with David.

"When's the last time they were fed?" I ask.

"Just an hour ago," Zane replies.

"Alright, it's pretty warm outside, let's get them inside," I suggest, with everyone silently agreeing.

Heath brings them inside with the stroller, and Zane helps me grab my bags.

"I really missed you," I say.

"I really missed you too, but I'm glad that you were able to get some time away, I know that you were needing it," He replies.

"I love but also hate how you can figure that out for me before I can," I state.

"Maybe I just know you better than you know yourself," He jokes.

"Oh, speaking of that, iHeartRadio called while you were gone, they wanna do that fan versus artist trivia with you and one of your fans, I told them that you were out of town but you'd call them back once you got back," He explains.

"Ooh, yay! I've always loved those videos, and now I get to do one with one of my fans?!" I exclaim as we begin walking inside.

"I'm glad your excited, my love," He says and smiles, kissing me one last time before we have to be good parents again.

We walk in and Heath is trying to burp Mia, because she was crying. And she wouldn't stop.

"I think she just needs momma," Zane suggests, so I sit down on the couch and take Mia, who calms down as soon as I take her in my arms.

"How's Connor doing? Is he asleep?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's in the crib. He's definitely an uncle Heath boy," Heath jokes.

"Yeah, okay," I joke back.

I missed home, and I'm so glad to be back.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now