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"Hello guys, welcome back to iHeartRadio, today we have an extremely special guest, yes, she's glowing and she's everything, we've got Maya Hijazi in the building today!" The host says, as I sit in the circular stool next to the standing woman.

"You're so sweet, thank you," I say.

"So, Maya, how well do you think you know yourself? Do you think you're fans know you better than you do?" She asks.

"Probably, I'm awful at remembering a lot of things so I feel like I'm not gonna do very well, but I'm gonna act like I'm gonna do extremely well, like I'm gonna win, so let's go," I joke.

"Well, let's find out, let's bring in your super fan, can we get Michelle in here?" She asks to someone behind the camera, and in walks a female, who looks to be around 16 or 17.

"Hi, how are you, love?" I ask, standing up to hug Michelle.

"I'm really good, you?" She asks, hugging back.

"I'm really good too, you ready to lose though?" I ask jokingly as we both sit down in our spots.

"I think you should be asking yourself that question," She fires back, once again, jokingly.

I laugh and look at the host, as a way to say that we're ready.

"Alright, let's get started, this is the tablet round, I'll ask you guys a question, you write it down on the tablet, and once you're both done, you show the camera, whoever gets it right, gets the point, are you guys ready?" She explains.

"I was born ready," Michelle responds, causing me to giggle.

"Alright, first question. How did Maya, and her husband, Zane, first meet?" The host asks.

I write down 'car crash' on the tablet, and after Michelle writes something down, we show the camera.

"Michelle said car crash, and so did Maya, congratulations, you both got the point. Next question, what was Maya's first tattoo?" She asks.

I wrote down 'mom's birthdate' and showed the camera, Michelle doing the same soon after.

"You both got it right, it was her mom's birthdate. Last question for the tablet round, on what date did Maya announce that she was married, and how did she do it?" The host asks.

I wrote down the correct answer, and Michelle did too. Both of us were tied for 3 points.

"Now, onto the lightning round," The host says.


"The score, is 7 to 5, which means, Michelle, you are the winner, you officially know Maya better than she knows herself!" The host announces and hits the bell multiple times.

"Is there anything that you want to say to Maya, in this moment, she's right here, what do you wanna tell her?" The host prompts Michelle.

"I just wanna say, that I love you so much, you've helped not only me but a lot of people through hard times, and you are there to remind us that we aren't alone, and you're a prefect example that proves to us that it really does get better, so thank you for all that you do, you're so incredible," Michelle says.

"You're so sweet, and I'm so proud of you. Thank you for supporting me and showing me love, and believe it or not, you guys have helped me through a lot too, I love you so much," I reply.

"That's so cute, Michelle, thank you for doing this today, Maya, thank you for joining us at iHeartRadio, we'll see you in the next Fan vs. Artist Trivia! Bye guys!" The host says, ending the video.

I decide to take Michelle and her mom out to lunch with Zane, considering that I wanted to get to know Michelle better.

That was probably the best video I've ever been a part of.

Besides the video where Zane proposed, obviously.

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