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"Shit," I curse to myself as I see something while scrolling through Twitter.

Remember that one night, when Zane was so drunk that David had to call me, and fans almost went to our house?

I guess a fan recorded the conversation I had with them, and someone uploaded it.

And of course, everyone was taking the fans' side.

There were tweets like,

can't believe i ever liked maya


she has zero respect for us and obviously doesn't care about anyone other than herself

Stuff like that.

"Babe, are you seeing this?" I ask, as he's changing Mia's diaper.

"Seeing what?" He asks.

"The night that you fell off of Jc Caylen's roof, I had that interaction with those fans? When they wanted to go to the house? Well I guess one of the fans was recording the whole time, and now I'm getting so much hate," I reply.

Zane gently sets Mia down in her and Connor's crib, and puts her pacifier in her mouth so that she'll go to sleep.

"Well, I think what's going to be best is if you put out a statement, like, explaining your side," He suggests, followed by him taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"Where should I do it?" I ask.

"Well, probably a YouTube video, the fans are more likely to see it, and you could do it on my channel, otherwise you could create a channel just for this video," He offers.

"I think I'll make my own channel, I don't want your channel to have a serious video on there," I decide.

"Alright, how about I set up the lights and camera while you create that channel?" Zane says.

"Sounds good," I reply.

I grab my laptop and begin doing what I need to do, and Zane starts doing the things that I don't know how to do.


(A/N whenever you see the symbol '-' during the rest of this chapter, that means that its an edit in the video)

"Hi guys, I'm Maya Hijazi, as you may know, and I'm here to explain my side of the story and what happened that night,"


"So basically, to catch you up, a lot of people are mad at me because I supposedly hate the fans, and I treat the fans with disrespect, and the people who are mad, are basing this off of an interaction I had with a few fans,"


"The night of the incident, Zane was very drunk, and I hate it when Zane gets very drunk. He's made many stupid decisions for the internet, and although you guys might not see it or understand it fully, it's really affecting Zane's health,"


"So anyway, I was in an upset mood because David had to call me that night and ask me to help get Zane home,"


"At one point, some fans of the Vlog Squad found David's car, and it was pretty obvious that Zane was super drunk. Like honestly, anybody would be able to tell,"


"These fans kept asking to go to Zane's house after Zane jokingly offered, and I could see how that can be hard to tell when it's a joke and when it isn't,"


"So at that point, I got out of the car and explained to the girls that Zane was drunk, and he wanted to go back home and keep drinking, it was a school night for them, and if we were caught with minors at our house while we had alcohol around them, all of us adults could get arrested,"


"I don't think you can hear it in the fans' video, but after I explained all of this to them, one of the fans told me that I was a horrible human being, and here's the clip that David got on his camera of the ending of the incident,"

- (The clip plays)

"I completely understand where everyone is coming from, I definitely could've handled the situation in a better tone of voice, but trust me when I say this,"


"I truly do care about you guys, I know how much you guys love and care about Zane, and it makes me so happy to see him doing what he loves, with the incredible support from everyone,"


"I hope you guys take what I've said with an open mind,"


"If you still hate me, or think I'm problematic, or wanna keep hating on me, that's totally cool, you guys have a right to an opinion,"


"Actually, I'm really hoping that you guys stop hating on Maya. She did what was best in that situation, and I hope you guys know that anyone else would've said the same thing, but Maya happened to be in the seat right behind me," Zane jumps in and says.


"Maya means so much to me and it hurts me so much to see all of these awful things being said about her," He adds.

"I love you," I reply.

"I love you too," He says, and then we kiss quickly, but that got edited out.


"Thank you guys for watching and listening, time for a little promo, shit, why not?" I joke.


"My new album comes out next week, go pre-order it and go buy Zane and I's merch that we released! Okay, bye now,"


I posted the edited video just a few seconds ago, and it's already pulling in a few thousand views.

Also, Zane and I both sent a tweet and Instagram post about the video so that fans will see it and go watch it.

I'm hoping this changes people's opinions.


Should I even apologize again for not posting in a while??

Lmao I guess



I hope to post tomorrow or Friday, we'll see❤

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now