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We arrive to the hospital after a short time, considering Lisa turned her sirens on.

"Do you know anything about his state right now?" I ask, panicky.

"So far, no. As soon as I got to the scene, I had the other officers at the scene take care of that while I came to get you," She responds.

Tears flow down my face constantly as I'm thinking about what could happen to him.

I run inside with Lisa and we go to the front desk.

"Where's Zane Hijazi? I'm his wife!" I freak out at the receptionist.

"Ma'am, please calm down. I'm gonna need to see some ID." The receptionist says.

"It's his wife, I know the family personally. Where is Zane Hijazi located?" Lisa chimes in.

"Zane Hijazi is located on D480. He's undergoing immediate surgery, so you won't be able to see him right away." The receptionist informs us.

"Oh my fucking God, let's go," I demand, absolutely terrified.

Lisa and I go upstairs and we sit and wait in the lobby.

After a few hours, and Jason had arrived with the kids, along with Heath, David, Carly, Erin, Matt and Mariah, and Lisa went back to work, I asked a doctor how much longer it would take.

"Let me go check on his status with the surgery, and I will let you know." She replies.

Another 5 minutes or so passes by and she comes back.

"It's estimated that he'll be out of surgery in about 20 minutes, but we aren't sure when he'll wake up. Is there anything I can get you guys?" She offers.

"No, we're okay, thanks," I decline, and pull out baby food from the diaper bags and Mariah helps me feed the twins.

I'm starting to not give them breast milk slowly, considering their 1st birthday is coming up in a few months.

What if Zane doesn't wake up by then, and he misses his kids' first birthday?

"Ms. Hijazi?" A nurse reads off in the lobby.

"That's me, how's he doing?" I ask, getting up quickly after Heath takes Mia off of my lap.

"He's out of surgery, he did great. He's currently not awake yet, but we're hoping for him to wake up tomorrow morning. Would you like to visit him?" She asks.

"Yes, please, can I take my kids back there?" I ask.

"Yes, of course, I think it'll definitely help him wake up," She encourages.

"Thank you so much, uhm, Mariah, can you take Connor and I'll grab Mia?" I ask.

She nods her head, and we both head back to the room with the nurse.

"I do want to warn you, he's got a tube down his throat to help him breathe," The nurse says.

"Okay, thank you," I reply and we head into the room.

And there he was.


It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now