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“Well, thank you coming out here Maya, we wanted to talk to you about this idea in person,” My producer says.

A little update, Zane woke up a few weeks ago, and has to be in a wheelchair until his arm is fixed, which shouldn't be much longer of a wait.

Connor said his first words, which were 'dada' as well, and luckily, Zane got to witness that.

“Of course, what’s up?” I ask.

“We want you to do your first collab song, with The Vamps, have you heard of them?” He asks.

“Yeah, my sister is a huge fan of them, has this idea been ran by them yet?” I ask.

“Yeah, they’re already writing the song. They’re in the building over, if you want to be a part of the writing process,” He offers.

“Yeah, that sounds great,” I accept.

We all go over (all of us being me, my producer, my manager, and my assistant) and meet the boys.

After making our introductions, we begin writing my part of the song, and decide that it’ll be called “Personal”, and it’s about a boy thinking that he’d be a better boyfriend than the girl’s current boyfriend.

It’s going to be a bop, I promise you that.

Brad and I sat next to each other, and weirdly enough, it felt like I’d known him for years.

After a few hours of writing, I asked them if I could FaceTime my sister so she could say hi to them.

They all agreed, so I called her.

M: Hey, Jas!

J: Hey, Maya, what's up?

M: I have some people here that want to meet you.

J: Okay…?

The boys come into the frame, and Jasmine screams.


M: alright, we gotta go, but I'll call you back when we are done with everything! Love you, Jas!

We exchange our goodbyes and the band and I decide to go get some food, because we were all hungry and worn out from songwriting for a few hours.

"Should we go to In-n-Out?" I ask the guys.

"Let's do it!" Tristan agrees, followed by the rest of the boys.

"Cool, who's riding with who?" I ask.

"I'll ride with you," Brad offers almost right after I said that, and Tristan, James, and Connor all agree to ride in James' car.

Brad gets into the passenger seat of my car, while I get into the driver's seat.

"Sorry if the back seat is a little messy, my kids are 9 months and don't know how to clean up very well," I joke.

"No worries, it doesn't bother me," He smiles and responds.

We drive to In-n-Out and talk about random things, from our fans, to our careers, to our personal lives.

I still feel like I've known this guy for years.. Weird.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now