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"I was thinking about taking a trip to Vegas again," David says.

"I thought you hated Vegas though?" I ask in confusion.

I sat in the middle between Zane and David, while Jeff and Heath sat across from us, on the other side of the table.

"I do, but I need footage for the vlog on Friday, because there isn't anything going on and I don't really feel like bringing Dom to USC again," David replies.

"So who all would be going?" Zane asks.

I put my hand on his thigh, hopefully as a sign that I don't want him going.

But the other part of me does, I feel conflicted.

I want Zane to have fun. He matured and became such an amazing father when the twins were born, which means he stopped having fun, for the most part, so I don't know.

"Anyone who wants to," David answers.

"I think you should go," Heath says to me.

"Me? Why?" I question.

"Because you haven't gotten to go to Vegas with David for the vlog, and I think you should have the chance to go," Heath explains.

"Who would watch the twins?" I ask.

"Natalie and Cierra volunteered for last time, I'm sure they'd actually do it," Zane suggested.

"I'll think about it.. I just don't want Connor and Mia to get attachment issues because I'm out and about so much without them, you know?" I reply.

"How's Cierra doing?" Jeff asks.

He's still in love with Cierra, clearly, because who wouldn't be, you know?

But he still openly has a massive crush on me, which is weird.

"She's really good," I respond, unintentionally being shady.

"And M, if you did decide to go to Vegas, I'd make sure that there want any coke or alcohol near us," David says.

"I'm probably gonna start therapy again, just so I can learn how to control urges and keep myself safe while I'm around stuff like that, maybe I'll go and that could be my test run?" I suggest.

"I think that's a great idea, love," Zane replies, then kissing me after.

We continue to talk about random things, eating good food, and being with good people, mostly.

Sorry, Jeff.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now