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"So, you have feelings for me?" Brad asks.

"I think so.. So that's why Zane and I are taking a break from each other to see what we really want. Just, please remember that I still do love him, but we wanted some time apart because having feelings for other people while in a relationship is so unhealthy," I reply.

"That's okay. I want you in any way I can have you," He stated.

I looked into his eyes, just thinking.

How did I end up here?

"You wanna order food and watch a movie?" Brad asks.

"Sure," I respond, considering Zane and I got into the fight before I got to eat.

Brad offered to pay, and we had a tiny cute disagreement about who's paying.

He won.

As we waited for the food, we got to know each other more. I talked about my parents and siblings, he talked about his family, and we both talked about hardships we both went through because for me personally, when someone opens up to me about what they've been through, I have an easier time trusting them because they trust me enough to tell me.

"I think I should get a haircut," I say.

"Like a trim?" He asks.

"No, like, I wanna chop all of this off, it suddenly feels like a whole lot of baggage to me. That's what people do after they seperate from someone, is chop off a shit load of hair, right?" I ask.

"I guess so, I know a really good hair stylist for women, my cutter's wife actually," Brad suggests.

"Yeah, sure, do you wanna see if she's available tomorrow?" I ask.

A minute or so passes by before he gives an answer.

"She can come over after we eat and cut it tonight," He responds.

"I'm down," I reply, and take one last picture with my long hair.

The food arrives and we eat our Chik-Fil-A while watching a new horror movie on Netflix

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The food arrives and we eat our Chik-Fil-A while watching a new horror movie on Netflix.

Cassie, the hair stylist, came over not long after we finished eating and she set everything up in the kitchen, the only room with hardwood floors.

About an hour later, my hair was darker and shorter.

I took a pic so I could post a before and after on Instagram.

I took a pic so I could post a before and after on Instagram

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@mayaleone: snip snip. when u split from someone, chop off ur hair x

Part of me regrets that caption, because the fans are going to assume that it's Zane, which is true, but I want them thinking that it's Corinna or something.

Yeah, Corinna has really forgotten who her friends are, since she's been on and off with that Tfue guy.

She's distanced herself.

I'm still friends with Kristen, and Carly, and Erin, and Mariah, and somewhat Liza, but Corinna and I haven't seen each other in a while.

It kind of feels like everything is falling apart.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now