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Hey y'all, I'm sorry for not updating. It's been a while, and I apologize. After June 6, I needed time to think. Cameron Boyce's passing really affected me, and I needed time to be sad. Like, really sad. I still am, and I'm mourning, but I think I should update, especially since I left you guys on a cliffhanger. Thank you for being so patient.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask Zane as I sit Mia down in her highchair, which was next to Connor's, and he was already sat in his, eating their dinner.

"Brad," He responds.

We go and sit in our seats and I dish up food for the both of us.

"What about him?" I ask.

"I know he has feelings for you," Zane replies, and my breathing stops for a moment, in fear.

"I don't think he does," I reply.

"It's so obvious, love, the way he looks at you, and talks to you, and how he acts around you, wanting to constantly be by you, I just, I know how a guy thinks when he's attracted to you," Zane pushes.

"Okay, fine, let's say he hypothetically speaking, likes me. What's the point of this conversation?" I ask.

"How many more days do you have left to finish shooting?" He asks.

"Roughly a week," I answer.

"I want to be there everyday, the entire day. I want to protect you," He responds.

"I don't need protection, Zane! I need a husband who trusts me! I am my own person, I'm a fully grown adult! Brad isn't dangerous, he isn't going to cross a line that is set in place. He's respectful, he knows we're married and we have kids together!" I yell.

I'm so angry right now.

"You do need protection! You invited him to lunch, he sat by you, he wanted you to come inside his house!" Zane yelled back.

"He wanted to sit by me because he didn't know anyone else! I invited him to lunch because I think he deserves more friends than just the 3 that are in his band!" I yell.

I pause before adding something else, something that I realized.

"Hold on, were you spying on me?!" I add, making me even angrier.

"Maya, it was for your own good, I was worried!" He tries defending himself.

"It is not for my own good! Do you not trust me? Why were you worried?!" I yell again, trying to calm down, but it really isn't working.

"I do trust you! It's him that I don't trust! I was worried because.. Because he's Bradley Simpson, Maya! Any girl in the world would die to have Brad as her boyfriend!" He yells back, but more calmly towards the end.

"Not lesbians. Not Trisha. And not me. You know, because I'm married and everything," I reply.

"Can I not be concerned about my wife?" He asks.

"Not when it comes to this, when it comes things that don't put me in danger. He's a FRIEND. He knows that, I know that, and it's pretty fucking unfortunate that you don't seem to know that." I spat.

I get up and walk away before I say anything hurtful, leaving Zane with the kids.

I hate arguing in front of them, because that's all that my mom and step dad did, was argue in front of Jasmine and I.

But I didn't want to say anything to Zane that would hurt him.

But also.. He's wrong.

I think I have feelings for Brad.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now