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"She's so beautiful!" Kristen exclaims, in a whispering tone, holding Mia.

"Just like her momma," Zane replies and kisses me.

I'm still in so much pain, and I'm absolutely exhausted, so I decide that I'm going to try to sleep for a little bit.

"I'm gonna try to sleep for a bit, are you guys gonna be okay with the twins?" I ask Zane.

"Don't worry my love, we'll handle it, get some rest," He answers, and soon after, I've fallen asleep.


"What are you doing here?!" I hear someone, who I believe was Kristen, whisper yell.

"I wanted to talk to Maya!" Another voice says, but I can't quite make out who it belonged to.

"If you don't stop fucking being loud, and wake up not only the twins but also my wife, I'm going to go get security. How did you even get back here in the first place?" Zane replies.

I'd recongize his voice anywhere, anytime.

"I told them that I was her cousin," The voice says again.

"This is so not the time or place, Justin. Maya has clearly moved on, she has kids and a husband now. Why can't you let go of the past?" David argues.

Justin's here??

I open my eyes, and the first thing I see, is Zane and Justin at the edge of my hospital bed, both fuming with anger.

"What's going on? What time is it? What're you doing here?" I ask multiple questions, none of them being aimed at a certain person until the last one, obviously at Justin.

"Hey, love, it's the next day, 9 AM. Justin said he wanted to talk to you, so we started arguing. I'm sorry if we woke you," Zane answers.

"No, I'm glad you did. Justin, what do you want? Seriously," I ask.

"To talk to you, alone," He begs.

"The only way you'll be talking to me is if Zane is in here with me," I reply.

"Why can't we talk in private?" He asks.

"Because I don't trust you, and because I'm not comfortable around you. My husband stays, or you leave," I demand.

He sighs in response, but eventually ends up agreeing to let Zane stay in the room.

Everyone else leaves the room, and I turn my head slightly to the left when I realize that I really did give birth yesterday, and it wasn't just a dream.

"Um, I wanted to apoligize. For leaking your nudes and hurting you.. I genuinely want to be in your life, as friends, you just.. You mean a lot to me and I can't seem to let you go in any way," Justin says.

"Justin, you don't get to walk in here, the day after I give birth, and expect for forgiveness, especially when you abused me, raped me, and ruined my life. I honestly don't give two flying fucks about you anymore, and I'm so happy with where I am in life, that I want you to stay as far away from me as possible." I rant, and at that moment, Zane saw the look on my face and called security.

Justin walks out with a security guard, and I feel like I can finally breathe again.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now