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"Connor needs to be fed," Zane says, bringing Connor over to me.

I take Connor from his arms and adjust myself so I can breastfeed him.

"I'm bored," Zane whines.

"You wanna breastfeed Mia?" I joke.

"Why, cause I have boobies?" He jokes back.

"Babe, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I think you have bigger boobies than I do," I jokingly respond.

"I mean, you're not wrong," Zane responds and we simultaneously laugh.

"I wanna go on a run so badly and lose all this baby fat," I say, changing the subject.

"I know you do, but Dr. Luruss said that you can't exercise until your body gets used to you with a smaller stomach again," He replies.

I groan loudly as our door opens.

"Are y'all trying for another one? Should I close my eyes?" Erin jokes.

"You didn't tell me that Carly and Erin were coming over," Zane says.

"Yeah, we're filming a Vlog Squad Gossip video together," I reply.

"I'll go grab a bottle so you guys don't get demonetized," Zane says.

Carly sets up the camera on the tripod, and presses record.

"Welcome back to our Sunday video!" Carly, Erin and I all say in unison.

"Today, we're filming another vlog squad gossip video for you guys, because you guys really enjoy them," Erin intros.

"Okay, first one, oh shit, by the way, if you didn't know, this is Maya, Zane's wife and mother of his kids," Carly jokes.

"I literally look awful right now, I'm so sorry but anyways, hi!" I say and laugh.

"You're literally so hot, stop lying," Erin replies.

"Erin, stop flirting with my wife," Zane jokes.

"Baby, you're beautiful," Zane adds.

"Okay, moving on before Maya and Zane get too mushy gushy, first one!" Carly leads.

We all laugh and Carly reads the first one.

"I feel like Connor and Mia are actually David's kids and Maya and Zane are lying just to cover up the fact that Maya is still in love with David," Carly reads off her laptop.

"I've seen that one a lot, listen y'all, Zane is Connor and Mia's kids, David doesn't have kids, trust me, you guys would know if he did," I say.

"Yeah, I feel like someone would've said something at this point," Erin agrees.

"Y'all are REACHING," I joke, causing everyone, including Zane, who was off camera, to laugh.

We continue for about 20 minutes, just reading, debunking or confirming random things, and laughing.

After we end the video, we all decide to get food with David, Jeff and Heath.

Jason would've come but he's watching Charley and Wyatt for the weekend, considering his ex wife is out of town with her new boyfriend.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now