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"So glad that the both of you could join us today, and congratulations on coming up with the brilliant idea of a publicity stunt to start dating, to promote the news release of your tour, Brad, and your new book, Maya," A random man from our record label says.

"Oh, it's not a publicity stunt, we're actually dating," Brad responds.

"Oh, I see.. Well, you're probably wondering why we brought you here today," The man begins.

"You guys have been asked to perform together at BBC Radio's Teen Awards, and Maya, you've been asked to headline at Lollapalooza, and perform at the Teen Choice Awards, which is also nice because you're nominated for 3 different awards," He adds.

"Oh wow, uh, when are these events?" I ask.

"BBC's award show is this weekend, they want to fly you guys and the rest of the band out tomorrow, get you fixed up in a hotel and really pamper you guys, in exchange for a gratitude Instagram story, Lollapalooza is in 2 weeks, and the Teen Choice Awards is the week after that," He replies.

"Sure, okay, that sounds great," I agree.

"Now, Maya, for Lollapalooza, you have to have an hour long show planned, and we want you to release 3 new songs before then, you've got 2 weeks to write, record, and release 3 fresh songs, so I'd get on it right away," He says.

"3 songs in 2 weeks? That's a lot, don't you think?" I ask.

"Look, Lollapalooza wants you, and you haven't released new music in a while. The fans are tired of hearing the same songs every performance, so no, I don't think that it's a lot," He answers.

I smile politely and we continue talking about other things, but I was slightly distracted by the fact that I have to write and record and release 3 songs in 14 days and I have no idea what to write about.

I've never felt more uninspired.

After another 15 minutes of them talking to Brad about some stuff, the meeting is done and we leave, and we got a message that our other meeting got cancelled, so we head out to lunch.

"You look so cute, I'm taking a picture of you," Brad says.

"I look so bad today," I reply.

"You're stunning, always, my love," He denies, and takes a picture when I pose.

"You're stunning, always, my love," He denies, and takes a picture when I pose

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@bradsimpson: what a beauty🌹

I smile at his caption and kiss him sweetly.

"I think I'm in love with you," He says.

I don't know what to say.

So, all I did was smile and kiss him again.

Because I know deep down..

I love and miss Zane more than anything.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now