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I went to our room and calmed myself down for a minute.

What do I tell him?

How do you tell your husband that you have feelings for another person?

I hear footsteps come towards Zane and I's room while tears run down my face.

"Hey, Connor wants you," Zane says after he opens the door.

I wipe my tears and walk out of the room, not saying anything to Zane, because quite frankly, I didn't know what to say.

I grab Connor out of his high chair and take him over to the couch.

Mia is crawling around on the floor, with just a diaper on.

Dinner was messy.

"Can we talk?" Zane asks.

"You were wrong," I reply.

"I know, I-" Zane begins to say, but I cut him off.

"No, Zane. You were only a little wrong. I think I have feelings for Brad," I blurt out.

He sighs and sits down near me.

"Do you still love me?" He asks.

"Yes, of course I do, I could never not love you, Zane.. I just.. I don't know," I begin to cry again.

"Maybe we should take some time apart, not a divorce, but just time to figure out what we both want," Zane replies.

"Well, I think space could be good for us, I can go stay at a friend's place until we both figure out what's best.. Where are the kids gonna go? I don't want to seperate them," I ask.

"I think they should go with you during the week, and I'll take them on the weekends. I know it's easier to breastfeed rather than pumping," He answers.

"Yeah, okay.. As for Brad and whoever, if either of us decide to get into a relationship, we shouldn't let them become a parent.. I don't want to confuse Connor or Mia and I know it'll definitely hurt if we hear Connor or Mia call someone else mommy or daddy." I say.

Zane agrees with me, and I decide to leave that night.

It's a Friday night, so I leave Connor and Mia with Zane.

I pack a bag and call Brad, to see if I can stay with him.

B: hello?

M: hey, am I able to stay at your place for a few weeks or so? I can explain why once I get there, if that's okay

B: yes, of course, that's totally okay, are you coming over tonight?

M: yeah, I just finished packing my bag

B: okay, well, I'll see you soon then

We said our goodbyes and I headed out before I regretted leaving.

I love Zane, I do.

But I feel unfaithful if I have feelings for another human being and my husband doesn't know.

I hope this time apart really puts things in perspective for me.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now