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After 30 minutes had past, I started to get concerned that Zane wasn't home with the kids yet.

I tried calling him multiple times, but he didn't answer.

Soon after I called him, I hear a knock at the door, a very loud knock, followed by someone yelling, "POLICE, OPEN UP!!"


I get up and go over to the front door, opening it.

"Ms. Hijazi, it's nice to see you again," Lisa, the officer who arrested Liza and Justin, said.

"Hi, Lisa, uhm, what's up?" I ask.

"Your husband was unfortunately in a car accident.. He's on his way to the hospital in critical condition, and when I got to the scene of the accident, I knew to come get you," She replies.

"Where are my kids?!" I yell, tears pouring down my face.

"Your kids weren't in the car, were they supposed to be?" She asks.

"Zane was on his way to get our kids from daycare, I- can you take me to the hospital? Please?" I ask.

"Yes, of course, do you have someone who can get your kids?" She asks.

"Yes, yeah, I can call Jason, uhm, okay, I, okay," I begin to panic, all while trying to find my shoes.

"Ms. Hijazi, please, calm down, everything's going to be okay," She encourages.

"Yes, okay, uhm, okay," I say, my voice shaky.

My shoes get on, and I call my dad right away.

J: hello?

D: hey, dad, uhm, Zane got into an accident and I'm on my way to the hospital right now by police escort, Connor and Mia are still at daycare, uhm can you please go get them and bring them to the hospital?

J: yes, of course, I'll meet you there in 30

D: thank you so much dad

We hang up and I go to the police car after grabbing the diaper bag.

"You ready, Ms. Hijazi?" Lisa asks.

"Yes," I reply, and Lisa turns on the sirens, speeding to the hospital.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now