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"Mr. and Mrs. Hijazi?" A nurse calls out.

We were currently in a waiting room of the ER, Connor hasn't been feeling well for the past few weeks and he passed out today, so we immediately took him to the ER.

We look up and get up from our seats, I pick up Connor and Zane picks up Mia.

He has a weaker immune system than I do, so I let him carry Mia considering she isn't sick.

We follow the nurse to the room, and she tells us that they're going to keep him overnight to run tests.

Needless to say, Zane and I are incredibly worried.

Zane and I agree that he should take Mia home and I stay the night with Connor.

It took a little bit of convincing, Zane wanted to stay with us but he knows what's best for Mia.

As Connor falls asleep, I get a notification from Instagram, Zane posted.

@zane: i don't normally get serious in posts, but please pray, if you don't pray, keep our babies in your thoughts

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@zane: i don't normally get serious in posts, but please pray, if you don't pray, keep our babies in your thoughts. we don't want to speak on anything yet, but we need all the support we can get right now.

I didn't want people knowing, but I also know that besides me and our friend group, his supporters are his biggest support system.

I know he wouldn't post something like this unless he needed it.

I pull an all nighter, I can't sleep anyways. I'm so worried. I hope Zane is asleep soon.


"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Hijazi, we have the test results," The morning nurse says, after walking into the room.

"And?" I look at the nurse, with hopeful eyes that it isn't anything bad.

Zane grabs my hand as a sign of reassurance.

"It has come to our attention that Connor, has stage 4 lung cancer, and unfortunately, it's too late to start any sort of treatment, we estimate that he's had this cancer since he was born, and it's gotten to be very bad," The nurse replies after taking a seat.

Tears flow out of Zane and I's eyes and I fall into his lap.

"How much time does he have left?" Zane asks, his voice trembling.

"We predict about a week," She replies.

Mia comes over to Zane and I.

"What's happening daddy?" Mia asks.

Zane looks speechless, unsure of how to explain this, so the nurse, who probably has done this a million times before, jumps in.

"Mia, my name is Nurse Dainy. Your brother, is very very sick, and he might die soon," She gently explains.

Mia falls to the ground and throws a crying fit.

Watching her like this, all of us knowing that our baby, her brother, won't be here much longer, makes me so angry, why would God want to do this to us? What did we do wrong?

Clearly we weren't good enough parents to see anything sooner.

"Why did the side effects just show up? And why didn't anyone tell us when we would take him for his checkups?" I begin to rant with questions, tears continuing to flow down my face with no sign of stopping.

"This form of lung cancer is very hard to spot without tests being run, and side effects kind of have a mind of their own, they start whenever they want, how hard they want to start, no one really can predict it," She answers.

"Not to get your hopes up, but we can definitely try treatment. I do want to warn you though, stage 4 cancers, they're hard to get rid of. Only a small percentage makes it," She cautions.

"Let's try treatment then, there's no harm in trying, right?" Zane chimes in.

"We'll start him today then, I will go get his starter medications and we'll do a round of chemotherapy today," The nurse offers.

She leaves the room to get the medications, and I can't help but break down again.

I just want my babies to be okay.





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