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Tears flow down my eyes as I see my beautiful husband, with a tube down his throat, a broken leg, a broken arm, and scratches and bruises all over his face.

Mariah and I walk closer to the bed where he lays, looking lifeless.

"Dada?" Mia says.

Oh my God.

Zane just missed one of his kids' first word.

"Mia! Say it again, baby!" I manage to say to her in excitement, with a smile on my face.

"Da.. Da.." She repeats with a smile, noticing that she got positive attention for saying what she did, so she repeated it to get more.

"Baby, I'm so proud of you!!" I squeal, and Mariah has a massive smile on her face.

"Has Connor said his first word yet?" Mariah asks.

"Nope, but hopefully he waits until Zane is awake," I respond.

I look back at Zane, and begin to break down again, sitting in the chair next to him with Mia in my lap.

I hear Mariah move a few steps to the door and call, "Heath!".

Heath comes in and grabs Mia.

"We're gonna give you and him some space, okay? Let me know if you need someone in here with you," Mariah says, and leaves with Heath and the kids.

"Hey love.. Remember when you had a dream that I died, in a hospital bed, after we got into a fight? Well.. This isn't a dream, bub. This is real life, and.. I don't know what you said to me in your dream, but maybe it's like what I'm about to say," I begin.

"You're everything to me and more, Zane.. You've made me feel so loved, and cared for, and I'm so lucky that I got one of the really good people in this world.. We just started our life, bubba, we have two beautiful kids together and we've been through so much together, yet we still found a way through it," I add.

"You don't have to wake up right this instant, I know you're probably having a dope ass nap right now, but, don't you dare leave me forever. Not in that way. Not now. I need you, Zane," I finish.

"Mia just said her first word, which was dada, and I don't want you missing Connor's first word, or their first birthday, or their 16th or their 18th birthday, or their graduations, or their weddings, so please.. Please wake up tomorrow," I added, holding his limp hand.

"I'm gonna go get Heath and Mariah, so that they can spend some time with you, but.. I just... I love you more than anything, baby. I'll see you soon," I tell him, and after kissing his forehead gently, I walk out of the room to get Mariah and Heath.

"I wanna give you guys some time with him, did they finish eating already?" I ask Mariah and Heath.

"Yeah, they did, and we burped them, they're just tired now," Heath responds, and hands me Connor.

Jason takes Mia from Mariah's arms and the couple heads over to Zane's room while Jason and I sit with my kids.

We sit in silence.

I want to cry, but I feel like I have no tears left.

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now