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"Wait, what?" Zane asks.

I was back home, and I had told Zane about the song writing process, and about the video idea that the director brought to us.

It wasn't an idea that Zane was too fond of.

"Babe, you know I can't control it, I tried to object and think of other ideas but the video fits perfectly with the song, as much as I hate it," I reply.

"Maya, you're telling me, that you have a dance segment with a guy, who is a traditionally hot guy, and he has to rest his face up against yours, and another random guy has to hold your waist, and.. I just..." Zane rants, but then seems to lose his train of thought, or is thinking about what to say next.

"I understand that it isn't in your control, and I'm sorry. It just sucks, I know that you love me and I trust you, but oh my god Maya, you were named sexiest woman alive this year, which although is a huge accomplishment, and I'm so proud of you, men and women who dream about being with you get to have that once the magazine comes out, and I'm not going to be the only one looking at your body, and loving you more than anything else in this world, I-I.. I don't know," He adds.

"Bubba, how long have you been holding that in?" I ask.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Esquire, who does yearly 'sexiest woman alive', named me, for the 2019 sexiest woman alive.

I do the photoshoot next Tuesday.

"Ever since you found out that Esquire picked you," He replies.

"So, about a month?" I ask.

He nods his head yes, so in response, I bend down to his level, and lift his face up from his lap.

"You can tell me anything, at any point, my love, I'm here for you. There's no reason for you to be holding that in," I encourage.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I know I can, I just, it's hard sometimes," He says.

"I'll work on bettering myself, so that it isn't as hard, okay?" I offer.

He kisses me in response, and we hug after the brief kiss.

"I love you, bubba," I say.

"I love you more, angel," He replies.


Just some cute ZanexMaya content for y'all❤ I just wanted to pop in and say something!

I entered 'CRASH' into the 2019 Wattys, and I really hope that I win! I worked so hard on that book and the payoff is incredible.

Okay anyways, bye

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now