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"It's still so weird to see you without a beard," I say to Zane.

He shaved his beard for a video, and that just happened 2 days ago or something.

"Well, anyways, guys, this is Brad, Brad, this Zane, my husband, Mariah and Heath," I introduce.

"Nice to meet you guys," Brad says in his thick British accent.

Everyone agreed and we headed to our tables, following the waitress.

"My name is Kassy, can I get you guys started with something to drink?" Kassy, our waitress, asks.

We all order our drinks, and our waitress goes to get them.

"How was the video shoot?" Zane asks.

"It was pretty good, it feels good to be back on set again," I answer.

"What do you think, Brad?" I ask Brad.

"Oh, it was lovely," He responds.

"How did class go, Mariah?" I ask Mariah.

"Really well, I met a new student today, and we played your song, Obsessed, and I found out that she absolutely loves and adores you, she told me that you're her idol," Mariah responds.

"That's so cute, maybe I should come visit one day?" I suggest.

"I think that's a great idea," Mariah responds.

Lunch went by pretty quickly, we all talked, made jokes, nothing out of the norm.

After we decided to leave, Heath and Mariah went into Mariah's car, Zane went into his car, and Brad and I went into my car.

"So? How was it?" I asked him after I started driving.

"It was great, you've got some really funny friends," He replies.

"Well, I'm sure they'd be open to being your friend too, not that I don't like the band, because they're great, I just think it's good to have friends outside of them, you know?" I say.

"Yeah, that makes sense," He replied.

We talk about random things until we get to his house.

"Oh wow, you've got a really nice house," I compliment.

"Do you wanna come inside? I live alone, so no one else is here," Brad offers.

"Oh, maybe another time, I have to go pick up my kids from daycare, but I'll see you tomorrow?" I decline.

"Yeah, of course. See you," He says, hugging me before he got out of my car and went inside.

I call Zane on the car phone.

M: hey

Z: hey babe, where are you?

M: I just dropped Brad off at his house, I'm now heading to daycare to pick up Connor and Mia

Z: okay, once you get home though, I do think we should talk

M: okay, sure, I'll see you when I get there. I love you

Z: I love you too

We exchanged our goodbyes, and I pull into Connor and Mia's daycare parking lot a few minutes later.

I get Connor and Mia outside, and head home after getting them buckled in.

I'm so anxious to see what Zane needs to talk to me about..

It's Our Life Now//Zane HijaziWhere stories live. Discover now