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"But mom! She took my toy!" I cried

"Amy give you sister back her toy" said my mother

"But I had it first" whined Amy

"No you didn't" I stated

"Yes, I did"



"Girls" yelled my dad turning around to look at us from the road "Amy give Ava the to-" my dad was cut off by my mom's screams, than everything went black...

I woke up in a white room, on a comfy bed. I look around and I'm all alone. I was alone for about 3 more minutes before a nurse came in. She looked at me in shock than ran and got the doctor. Soon the doctor came rushing in. He looked at me, than his clip board, than me again. He looked a little shocked, than spoke.

"Sweety, I'm going to ask a few questions. Is that alright?" Asked the doctor

"Y-yeah, I-i guess" I stuttered

"Ok, do you know where you are?" He asks

"A hospital"

"Good, what is your full name?"

"Ava Lee Smith" I say with confidence

"How old are you? And when is your birthday?" He asks

"I'm 7 and my birthday is..." I pause for a second than answer "April 11, 2002"

"Yes good. What is your mom and dad's names?"

"Cassidy and Jake Smith... wait where are my mom and dad? Where's my sister Amy?" I started asking my own questions. The nurse and doctor share a sad look.

"Your sister is fine, she is in the room next to you sleeping..." He said than stopped "Ava, your mom and dad weren't as lucky as you and your sister... they are both dead sweety"

I look at him than the nurse, than I start crying... I soon cried myself to sleep.

Soon me and my sister were put into foster care. We stayed by each other at all times. When we were 11 we were adopted by a lovely couple. Their names are Cason and Molly, lovely people I tell you. They had a son about 12 years of age, so Amy and I had an older brother to watch out for us.

Short I know
There will be longer ones

Edited - May 31, 2020

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