Chapter 20

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(Ava's POV)
We had arrived in LA, it had been about a 14 hour drive. We switched on and off ever few hours so one of us could sleep. When we got there we booked a hotel, nothing special of corse. Just a room with two beds and a bathroom for showers. I took a shower first and got dressed in sweats and a tank top, Callie was in the shower now.

"We need new names and maybe a bit of a make over. Also need to finish the next two and a half months of school" I sigh thinking about this

"We need a place to stay" I hear Callies tired voice as she stepped out of the both room in similar clothes

"Yeah, we can look tomorrow. I'm to tired" I sigh and lay on the bed closest to the door "We need make overs and new identities"

"Yeah we do" she agreed jumping on the bed next to the bathroom "How about I get us new identities, and you find us a cute little house to live in" she suggested getting under the sheets

"Yeah, sounds go-od" I yawn. With that I flipped off the lamp and closed my eyes as darkness closed around the room "Goodnight Cal" I whispered

"Goodnight A" I heard her say before sleep took over my body

____________The next more___________
We had gotten up early that morning and went our separate ways. Kind of, she took the truck to go see about changing our names and I stayed at the hotel to find a house for us. After about three hours I found a perfect little house and Callie had come back

"Welp, you are now Ryan Baker and I am Noah Rivers. I thought going with boyish names would help us hid from the boys" I look at her then at my new driver's license

"Smart idea" I nod "I found a nice house for us and we get to go look at it tomorrow" she nods before dropping face first into her pillow

"What if they.... find us?" She hesitantly asked

"They won't, I made sure of it" I nod looking at her

"How can you be so sure?" She asked sitting up and looking at me

"I just have a feeling" she just nodded "Hey we have time to kill, why don't we go and get our hair done?" I ask her

"I'm down. I want something kinda colorful, but at the same time maybe a postal shade? I don't know yet"

"Well let's see what the hair dresser says" with that we got into different clothes and headed out to find someone who could do our hair and not mess it up

We had looked up a few good places, we finally choose a place called 'Andy LeCompte Salon'. It had good ratings, so we pulled up and I cut the engine. Walking in it was very clean and had a richy (A/N is that even a word?) feel to it. I just had on some skinny jeans and a shirt that said 'fuck off'. Callie has on ripped skinny jeans and a crop top

"Hello, how may I help you two ladies this afternoon?" The lady at the front counter asked with a fake smile.

She looked about mid twenties, she had bleach blonde hair. You could tell she dyed it. I could also tell she was eyeing me, she didn't like what I was wearing. Probably thinking we could afford to be here. Insert eye roll here. Before I could speak up Callie stepped in front of me

"Hi" she said with the sweetest smile "We would like a full hair change"

"Anything in particular?" Asked a brunette girl with blonde tips

"Not really, just wow us" Callie spoke up

"Alright follow me. My names Savannah" as we got farther into the back she started talking again "Don't mind Madison, she's a bitch and hates people that look 'poor'" she commented rolling her eyes and putting her hands in quotation marks with her fingers around the word poor

"I don't like her, and there's more to add to the list" I laughed agreeing with her being a bitch

"Alright just sit her and relax and in the next few hours or so, you won't even be able to recognize you're selves" she smirked and started getting to work

———————A few hours later———————
"Oh my god" Callie breathed "This looks amazing" she gasped as she checked out her hair.

She still had red in her hair, just only at the tips, the upper part was a black color. She had cut some of her hair off saying she wanted shorter hair, and Savannah made it work. She even straightened Callies hair, white made it look even better

"Oh my, Ava, look at you're hair" I turned to the mirror and to say I was shocked was an understatement.

I looked like a whole new person. My long brownish red hair was now a pastel purple the was lightly curled. I never curdled my hair, but damn did it look good

"You truly have a gift" I tell Savannah honestly

"Aww thank you, you are to kind" she gushed

We headed to the front again and paid for the fee. Savannah had given us a discount, but I gave her a hundred dollar tip and told her she would be seeing us again. After that we went out for food and then back to the hotel for tonight.

"What a lovely day" I say to myself before falling asleep

Oh god guys, first long chapter in a while over 900 words. I'm proud of myself. Any way what their hairstyles look like down below ¿

 Any way what their hairstyles look like down below ¿

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Edit: July 14, 2020

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