Chapter 2

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(Ava's POV)
I started the truck and pulled out of the school. I drove to the underground fighting ring. Soon we were there, I park in the alleyway behind and I cut the truck off. I hopped out grabbing my duffel bag out of the bed of my truck, Callie doing the same. We walk inside and head for the bathroom. I change into a navy blue sports bra and a black pair of short. Callie is in a dark green sports bra and black short. We throw on our hoods over our heads and walked out of the bathroom. We throw our stuff into the lockers and walked over to the corner. We started throwing punches and kicks at the punching bags. We were interrupted by Jake our manager.

"Hey girls, you ready for tonight?" Asked Jake

"Yeah, we are" says Callie

"Yep" I answer

"Good because I got both of you fights tonight" answers Jake

"Cool, what times?" I ask

"Viper yours is at 8:20. Devil yours is at 8:30" he answered

"Ok thank you Jake" says Callie

"I got stuff to do, see you girls in an hour" said Jake as he walks off

"Let's get back to practising" I say looking at Callie

Soon people started coming in and warming up or sitting in the bleachers. They started calling people up to fight about 8:00. Soon it was 8:20, Callie was up now. Callie's fight name is The Viper

"Now The Viper against The Pig" yelled the announcer

'clever name' I say (hear the sarcasm in my voice)

"FIGHT!" Screamed the announcer.

Callie was beating the crap out of him, before long, about 10 minutes. He was out like a light. She got down and I gave her a hug, she hugged me back. It was now 8:30,

'My turn'

"Now a championship match, The BlueBell fighting our champion The Devil" called out the announcer.

I got in the ring and saw a girl in all blue bouncing around

'I only want this to last 5 minutes' pulling my hood down farther and I got in my fighting stance.

I watch her bounce around. She lifted her front right foot, I blocked it and punched her in the nose. I heard the sound of cracking, seeing her hit the ground with slight tears in her eyes. She got off the floor and tried to hit me, I blocked her hit and punched her in the stomach. I heard the door open as the girl laid on the ground. I looked up a bit and saw the new boys from my school and my brother walk in with other boys....

'wait my brother' I was sidetracked and the girl had gotten up and punched me in my stomach.

I stumbled and than quickly regain my balance again, I wanted this to be over quickly. So I punched her in the face and she fell. I straddled her and keep punching her until she was unconscious. The announcer raised my hand in the air, he handed me my money. I hopped off and walked over to Callie

"Callie, my brother and the new boys from school are here!" I scream whisper to her

"I know, pull your hood down farther" she says

"Ok, let's get to the bathrooms and changed quickly, than get out of here" I say

We pulled our hoodies down farther and headed to the locker rooms. We quickly changed into what we had on either and throw our hoodies back on. We walked out and headed for the front door. As soon as we were out we booked it to my truck. We climb in and I start the truck. I put my foot on the gas and Spend out of there and towards Callie's house. I drop her off and head to my house. It was about 9:53, 10 minutes to get home and get into my room. I pull up to the house and shut off my truck. I ran into the house and into my room. I quickly changed into some night clothes. As I was plugging in my phone I heard my brothers truck pull up. I turn off my light and slide into my bed. I heard the front door open and someone coming up the stairs. I closed my eyes and acted as if I were asleep, I knew it was Zack because he is the only one that checks on me at night. I heard him sigh, like he was trying to catch me doing something. I heard the door close and Zack walking to his room.

Good right?

Edited June 3, 2020

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