Chapter 11

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(Ava's POV)
I quickly pull off my mask and hoodie. Callie quietly gets to work on my bruises and cleans up the blood as I lay on the table. I hiss as she cleans up my wounds. Cursing under my breath as she finishes and I sit up.

"He did a number on you" she sighs

"And I on him" I mumble

"Here I'll let you get dressed and go and collect our money. I'll be back in a bit" she says before walking away

I slowly make my way to my locker again. Pulling out my shirt and sweats, I slowly put them on groaning in pain. I grab my none bloody hoodie and pull it over my head. I grab my voice changer in case someone try's to talk to me. I turn and walk to the table again putting my bloody stained clothes in my gym bag. As I was zipping up my bag I heard the door open. I put my hood up and as I was about to turn around a very familiar voice stopped me

"Funny, I never would have taken you to be a street fighter" I hear a familiar voice behind me. I tense up, I hit the voice changer button

"I don't know what you're talking about? I don't even know you" I say, not turning around. I heard a deep slightly angry chuckle

"Oh come on now, don't play games with me" I heard him walk closer

"Seriously I don't know you, and I don't know what you're talking about" i felt a hand wrap around my arm. I spin around grabbing his hand

"Ava, Ava, Ava don't lie to me. You know exactly who I am" he pulled my hood down "Hello bad girl"

I probably looked shocked, because that's what I'm feeling. I look at his eyes and search for something anything. All I saw was anger and something else

"W-w-What.... how d-did you" I stutter letting go of his arm and I start backing away only to hit the table. He quickly closed the gap between us

"Oh my little bad girl, when you looked at me in the ring I saw you're eyes. I could never forget those eyes my sweat girl. Never" he whispered in my ear as he pulled me onto the table, his hand on my hips

"Lucas" I breath, I see a few black and purple marks starting to show on his face. I cringe, I hit him hard

"Well my little bad girl, not going to lie you throw a mean punch. You know what helped give you away?" I stayed quiet, not trusting my voice as I felt his hands sliding up and down my thigh "You kept on calling me bad boy. And you're not wrong, not in the slightest"

I gasped as he grabbed my hips and pulled me off the table. He grabbed my backpack and started pulling me towards the door. I was honestly to weak to fight him, I pulled my hood up as we entered the main area of the fight club and I let him pull me outside. I could feel the cold air hit my face. He let go of my arm. I stopped when I remembered Callie, he stopped too and looked at me. I could feel myself getting light headed

"Ava!" I heard Callie scream. I turned around and looked at her before my eyelids shut and I fell to the ground my head hitting the pavement

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