Chapter 23

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(Ava's POV)
I watched and studied her closely, she went to kick me and I Blount punching her right in the face. I turned around and elbowed her in the stomach and then did an upper cut. I swiftly did a round house kick to her side sending her to the ground. Climbing on top of her I did one big punch to her face and nocked her out, not letting her once touch me. I saw blood on my hand and whipped it off on my pants. She had blood all over her face and I cringed slightly. Some people came and dragged her off the mat, Jake jumped up into the ring and came near me

"What's you're name?" When I didn't answer her quickly changed the questions wording "What's you're fight name?"

"Don't have one" I answer

"Well then.... hmmm" the said looking around, then he turned back to me and looked me up and down "Everyone!" He shouted looking at the crowd. Everyone quieted down and looked at Jake "Meet our new fighter!"

"What?" I said in a whisper

"The Shadow!!" He yelled. Everyone started cheering and I looked at him bewildered "Welcome to the business" he shock my hand

"Not again" I say to myself. "Welp at least I have something today now" I nodded and went to pick up my jacket. I got out of the ring, but was stopped by Jake

"Here's my card" he handed me a card and I nodded starting to walk away only to bump into someone. I look up

"Well hello there" The guy said, I pulled on my jacket and went to walk around him "Well don't be rude"

"Look I need to get home" I say punching past him

"You look familiar, do I know you from somewhere" I tense up and look back at him

"No" was all I said before walking out and heading to my truck. Heading home

________The Next Morning_____
I crawled out of bed and towards my bathroom across the hall. I turn on the shower and stripped my clothes off, hopping into the warm shower. I stood under the water and thought to myself

"He hasn't changed a bit, god he's still cute. Why? Oh why did life go down hill for me? What did I ever do?" I started tearing up and I started thinking about Callie

"Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it have been me?"

Edit: July 15, 2020

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