Chapter 17

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(Callie's POV)
"Y'all understand that we still have school right?" I say as we sit on the couch

Let me tell you how we got here. So after about two days they let me see Ava and vice versa. Well after we all sat on the couch, with Ava and I on one side and Lucas and Zack in the other side of the living room. We started arguing. That's how we got here, oh and Zack has a fractured nose

"Yea, we would like to keep our grades up thank you" Ava sasses. The boys just role their eyes "And I hope you realize I have to be back home on Sunday to see my parents" Ava adds

"And I've got my parents"

"Welp after our parents leave, Ava" Zack said giving her a pointed look "We are coming back here"

"The hell with that" she snaps

"I agree" I simply say "my parents are still here, losers" I mumble

"I over heard my parents talking about how they are taking a trip to Russia for the rest of the year" Zack says with a smug look

"Still, I'm not coming back here"

"You don't have a chose" Lucas pipes in

"The hell I do" Ava snaps standing up, I follow.

Lucas and Zack share a look before standing up as well. Before anything could happen we started hearing gun shots. Ava grabbed me and pushed me down, we laid on the ground as the guys took off in the direction of the gun shots

(Ava's POV)
I looked around and spotted two guns under the new coffee table. I grabbed both and handed one to Callie. She quickly under stood what was happening, we slowly got up and started crawling towards the back door in the kitchen. As soon as we got to the door we bolted out and ran into the big garden they had. Soon we made it into the woods taking off in a direction that looked clear

"Keep running and don't look back" I yell pushing Callie forward as we came to a small pond.

We ran around it and soon we spotted a road. Our feet were all cut up and the clothes we had on were all torn. I had a few cuts and saw that she did too. We were running down the road when a old beat up truck started to approach from behind us. We stopped and waved our hands around

"Hey" we yelled at the same time. The truck stopped next to use

"What are y'all doing out here? Are you girls ok?"

"Yes yes, please could you give use a ride to the closest town?" I ask as I keep looking around

"Yes, Ashland isn't that far" he said. We were just out side our town.

"Thank god"

"That's actually where we need to go" Callie calls out as we get into the back.

We were in the truck for a good 20 minutes. As soon as we say Ma'ma's diner, we asked the guy to stop. We started our short way back to Callie's house. As we got there we quickly changed and cleaned and covered up the scratches and cuts.

"My car is still at the hospital" she sighs looking at the drive way "and we don't have our phones. They are also in my car" it was my turn to sigh

"Welp time to start the walk to my house then" I comment and we begin our walk

Edit: July 12, 2020

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