Chapter 21

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Don't come at me for what this chapter holds!!!

4 Years Later
(Ava's POV)
"Order up" I snap my head over to the kitchen area and then back to looking out the old diner window

I look at the busy city and I sigh holding back tears that threaten to come out. I look back around the dinner and see two girls at a both near the kitchen door. They were laughing and throwing fries at each other

"Callie and I used to do that" I say to myself and force back my tears again

"Do you want anything?" Asked a waitress. I look at her and shake my head, I hear a beep as she walks away

Looking down I see my alarm telling me it was time to go. With one last look at the old diner I get up and walk out to my truck. I climb in and turn on my truck, I throw my jacket into the passenger seat and run my hand through my hair. I pull out of the parking lot and head down the road, I pull onto the freeway and see a sigh saying goodbye as people leave LA.

"Home sweet home here I come" I tell myself as I look in my rear view mirror

It's been 7 hours already and I had to stop, I was gonna pass out if I didn't. I pulled into a little town and got a hotel room and a really chest hotel. I walked in and throw my bag on the bed heading for the bathroom. I stop and look in the hanging mirror in the bathroom. My hair was black now, with gray/silver tips, my once brown eyes were dull and lifeless. I had gotten skinnier, over all I just looked like shit

I looked away and turned on the shower, I stripped and climbed in feeling the cold water hit my back. There was no warm water here, I soon climbed out and put on some sweats and an old t-shirt. Laying on the bed I look at the white sealing, sleep quickly took over my body

————————The next morning———————
I was back on the road. I still had nine more hours to drive before I got back home to Aspen, Colorado. Sighing again I look over at my passenger seat and hoping to see Callie sitting there sleeping, but all I saw was my leather jacket. I look away and back at the road turning on the music. 'Dead End' by Anna Clendening was on and I started softly singing along

I was outside of Aspen right now. Sitting on the side of the road I look that the sigh that said welcome to Aspen. I'm pretty sure I was getting weird looks from people passing, probably wondering why a girl was sitting in her truck on the side of the road staring at the welcome sign, not like they could see me. I felt a tear slip down my face, I quickly wiped it away. I turned the truck back on and started my drive into town. I knew where I need to go first before I went to my apartment.

I drove down my old road towards my childhood home, I slowly drove by. As I did I see Zack's truck in the drive way and him sitting on the front porch smoking. He couldn't see me or be able to recognize my truck. I had gotten a new one three years ago, I also had tinted windows. He was looking at my truck as I slowly drove by. I sped up and head towards my apartment.

"How am I going to face him and everyone else?"

Again don't come at me
Edit: July 15, 2020

Her hair color at the top^

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