Chapter 18

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(Ava's POV)
We had made it to my house, my parents were a little skeptical about why we didn't drive our cars back to the house after we told them we got back to Callies house and they thought we weren't coming back till Sunday. I had filled Callie in on what I told my parents and we discussed what we were going to say. It was Thursday, my parents were leaving extra early now that they got to say good bye to me.

Lucas, Zack, and Tom have yet to show up. I'm think they are going to show up once my parents leave. So Callie and I planned on getting a cab to get my truck from the hospital and then pack a few things before going away for a bit. We are just going to finish the next three months online. We've already talked with our parents about it. They just know that we want to work from home so we can work more to go on a 'big trip' this summer

"So my parents are leaving Saturday, that gives us two days to get my truck and head out of town" I say as we pack our bags

"Ok, so tomorrow we go get you're truck and pack a few things in it. When I get back home tonight I'll get the money and put it in one of my bags"

"Sounds like a plan. Then once my parents leave we head out ourselves, what about you're parents?" I ask giving her a knowing look

"The whole week I was gone, not one call. I really don't think they will notice me, they are to caught up in their work. I honestly don't know what they were think when they decided to have me" she sighed rubbing her face

"They were think how that a very lonely, special girl needed a best friend to do illegal things with" I laugh, she just rolled her eyes plopping on my bed

————————The Next Day————————
We had retrieved my truck and were loading stuff in it while everyone was out of the house. We stopped by Callie's house and just picked up her stuff. Thinking it'd be better to just not stay by ourselves. I hid most of the money under the back seat and kept some of it in the glove box.

———————Saturday AfterNoon——————
We had waved my parents off at around eleven thirty and Amy said she was going to hang with some of her friends. I just told her she probably won't see me, because I was just finishing school early and hitting the road. As always she just said be careful and to stay safe

"Time to hit the road" I heard Callie call from outside. I nod locking the front door.

I look at the house one last time before walking over to the truck. I had changed the license plates and put some stickers on the back window to make it look like a family of 4 owned the truck. We climb in and head towards the highway

"Where too?" I ask looking over at Callie

"I don't know" she shrugged looking in my direction

"Humm, LA?" I say looking back at the highway

"Sure, what could go wrong there?" With that she plugged in her new IPhone 9 and played 'Oh My Dear Lord' by The Unlikely Candidates

As you can see I'm lazy, hint the time skips. Some big shits going to happen in the next few chapters.

Also if anyone can tell me where they live if I mentioned it that would be great. I'm to lazy to go look

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Edit: July 12, 2020

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