Chapter 22

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(Ava's POV)
I had been here a week now and I haven't really left my apartment. But tonight I did, I was going to the underground tonight. See what's changed. I was wearing everything black, from my black beanie to my combat boots. I hopped in my truck and headed over. I pulled into a parking spot and headed inside. It was about eleven thirty. As I walk in I see nothings really changed, I move throw the crowd and I spot something I've never seen before. It was a silver sign with something written on it. I walk over to it and see a name I haven't heard in years.

To The Greatest Fighter To Enter This Building
~The Devil~
May She Rest In Peace

I look over a bit and see another sign

In Honor Of
~The Viper~
My She Live In Peace

"They thought we were dead? Well they weren't wrong" I felt someone walk up behind me, but I didn't turn around. I just kept my eyes glued to the signs

"They were amazing fighter, the best I ever had come here" it was Jake, I still remember his voice. But he sounded so sad. I just nodded "One day they just up and vanished without a word, no one knows where they went"

"I'm right here" I wanted to scream and hug him, but I didn't, I just kept my eyes on the names and nodded

"After a year and a half we just thought they were dead and wanted to honor them" he sighed and I could feel his eyes burning in the side of my head "So what brings you around here?" He asked not taking his eyes off me. I finally turn to him

"Just needed to be somewhere other then home" I say turning in his direction

"Hmmm well, right this way. I can get you front row seats" he said giving me a goofy grin and gesturing toward the ring. I just nod a follow him

As we got up front I see two girls in the ring, they were throwing sloppy punches and both looked like they didn't know what they were doing

"These girls have no idea what they are doing" I say watching them

"You know something about fighting?" Jake asked looking over at me

"You could say that" I say looking at him then back to the girls

"Hey bitch" I turn around and see a brunette staring at me with a mad look on her face, I gave her a questioning look "You're in my spot"

"I don't see you're name here, besides we're standing. It's not like there's a seat here" I snap at her rolling my eyes

"I don't care, move"

"No" I say simply

"Move or I'll move you myself"

"Go ahead and try"

"Fucking bitch" she snapped at me, I watched as her and formed a fist and watching as she throw it towards my face. Without flinching I stopped her hand with mine

"You probably shouldn't have done that" I growl at her, talking her arm and flipping her over onto her back. A bell was called and everyone turned in our direction

"Do you know who I am?" The girl snapped getting up onto her feet

"No I don't, nor do I care" I cross my arms and look at her with a scowl

"Ladies, ladies" Jake stepping in between us "Take care of this in the ring" she smirked taking off her heels and climbing in as the other girls leave

"No" I stat, not moving from my spot

"What are you scared?"

"For you yes, me, no" I say tilting my head

"You're just saying that because you know you can take me" I grow angry at her comment and hoped into the familiar ring

I slowly took off my leather jacket. Tossing it to the side. I watched as she look off her 'shirt' if you wanna call it that and throw it over to someone in the crowd. All the guys were looking at her flat stomach, I roll my eyes and get into a fighting stance

"Prepare to die, bitch" she hissed at me, getting into a fighting stance as well. It wasn't even correct

"Whatever Barbie junior" I smirk

Edit: July 15, 2020

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