Chapter 7

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Hehe, so I lied and re-wrote 2 chapter that we're lost

*that sounds like something for the hunger games*

Anyhow, hope you enjoy, but this will be the last chapters I'll be posting for another 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy and goodnight my minions

Still working on a name

(Ava's POV)
I sit in the shadows watching all the fights with Callie as I wait for my fight tonight. I was watching these two girls fight and it was like watching a cat fight with a spaghetti noodle. Sad really, I sigh and look at Callie

"It feels like this has gone on for hours"

"It's been ten minutes"

"Grr" I growled at her. I looked around the crowed room and spotted my brother and started smacking Callie in the air

"What, chill. What do you want?" She said holding my wrist

"My... brother" I draw out

"What?" She says alarmed looking around. Her eyes widened and looked at me "Go get your mask" she whisper yells. I nod and head for the lockers

I walk in and pull my hood down rummaging through my locker. I finally found and quickly fastened it over my nose and me mouth, it was dark blue like my sports bra and spandex. Navy blue is my signature color. Green is Callies. As I close my locker I hear the door open and a familiar voice start talking

"I wonder what the Devil's face looks like" it was my brother

"I bet he's ugly" I heard Tom's voice

"Most fighters are when they cover their faces" my brother continues. I quickly pull my hood up and over my eyes "Hey, you fighting tonight?" I froze

"We're talking talking to you" Lucas's sweet, but demanding voice sounds through my ears. I click on the voice changer without turning to them

"I'd be weary on who you talk to like that" I say and smirk turning to them. They could see my face, but I could see theirs

"It's a girl" I hear Tom whisper

"You got something against girls?" I snap at him

"And I'd watch what you say" Lucas says stepping forward

"Or what bad boy?" I growled taking a step forward as well.

Before he could answer the announcer called out for the championship match is about to start. I nod in their direction and push them out of my way heading for the ring. I hear them follow soon after and the announcer starts to speak from the middle of the ring

"Please welcome the competitor, The Silver Bullet" I watched as Lucas hopped in the ring. I froze and I felt a hand on my shoulder

"What the hell is he- he's a street fighter?" I relaxed when I heard Callie's voice

"And I have to fight him" my voice changer was still on

"Now are undefeated champion, The Devil" I slowly walked up to the ring as people made a path for me. I watched as the shock on Lucas's face grow

"Miss me bad boy" I Laugh lightly as I climb into the ring. Soon his surprised look turned into rage "Aww, cat got you're tongue, huh pretty boy?" I laugh as he gets angrier

"Don't call me that"

"What? Bad boy? Isn't that what you are?" I tease. At this point I could hear my voice changer dying and I stop talking. The ref starts talking and yells fight

I put my hands into balls of fist and move them to the front of my face. Lucas following my actions and we both start circling each other. I watch out he  seems to move his left leg like hearing going to kick first, but throws a right punch. I grab his fist and twist. I flip us around so his arm is pend to his back. Before I can react he reaches around grabbing my hood with his left and and flinging me to the other side of the ring. I I land on my side and pull my hood down farther as I feel it falling off. I see Lucas stocking towards me and I quickly spin around and kick my feet at his need. Hitting him right at home in his man hood, I quickly jump up doing a quick round house kick to the side of his head when he drops to his knees.

I watch as he falls to the floor and onto his back, quickly jumping into action I straddle him and start punching him in the face and stomach. Finally he started tapping his hand on the mat and I stop. Leaning down next to his ear. I whisper so on one else hears me. Not like they could with all the cheering. Lowering my mask

"Nice try bad boy"

I kiss his cheek and move my mask back over my mouth and nose before standing up and the ref lifts my arm in the air as my brother and Tom pull Lucas off the mat. I just smirk, collect my money and head over to Callie before heading towards Jacks office in the gym area. I don't need to be changing and have one of the boys walk in

"That was sick" Callie squealed as we entered the office and I pulled my hood off throwing in my bag

"It was wasn't it?" I laugh and throw on a sweatshirt and ripped jeans. Callie was already dressed in jeans and a tank top. I handed her a sweatshirt "I'm so glade we parked a block away tonight" I sighed

"I agree" she said grabbing the t and pulling it over her head. We pulled the hoods over our heads and headed for the truck

We walked out and started our small trek to the truck. So glade I chose a dark color. We walked up and I unlocked the truck. Getting in we headed to my house. I pulled in to the drive way and we trekked inside, up the stairs to my room. I dropped my bag and jumped on my best. Callie following suit. I soon let the darkness take over my body and snuggled into my pillow

Long chapter you're welcome

Edit: June 17, 2020

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