Chapter 19

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(Lucas's POV)
We had killed pretty much everyone and had some in the basement. Zack, Tom, and I headed back over to the living room to see it trashed and the girls gone

"Where the fuck did they go?" I cursed looking around

"Lucas" I heard Tom call my name from the kitchen. I walked in and saw the back door wide open "either they took a chance on escaping or someone took them" he added

"Yea, but look, only two sets of foot prints and looks like they are bear foot" Zack pipped in

"Whatever let's just follow them" I stat starting to get  irritated

We followed the prints all the way to the middle of the woods. As we kept going we came to a main road and that's where they foot prints stopped. I groan and roll my eyes. We went back to the house and I called a few people to clean up the mess. I grabbed a beer and sat at the kitchen island. Zack's phone started going off and he answered after seeing the screen

"Hey mum" he answered "Oh really?..... well I'm still out of town..... yes yes, I love you too..... ok, tell dad I said hi and bye.... ok, goodbye" he hung up and looked over at me

"What?" I asked

"My parents are leaving a few days early because the girls showed up at the house from their 'trip' early" Zack quoted the word trip

"Well so we know where they are. We go get them as soon as my parents leave" he nods. You are not getting away this time Ava

_________A few days later_________
We had just gotten to Zack's house. His parents had left and we were going to get the girls. We had passed Amy's car on the way over so I knew it was just the girls alone. We pulled into the drive way and I killed the engine. I looked around but didn't see any cars

"Where is Ava's truck?" I asked

"I bet it's till at the hospital. Remember?" Zack states getting out of the truck

"Oh yeah" I say mentally face palming. We climb the steps to the house and Zack goes to unlock the door. As we entered I realized it was quiet, to quiet

"It's took quiet" Zack whispers voicing my thoughts, I only nod heading up the stairs. I opened Ava's bedroom door and when I look around I see a lot of items missing

"Alright" I sigh rubbing my face "Where are they?" I question going into her closet to see most over her clothes gone

"They ran" Zack said as I stepped out of the closet and see him holding a peace of paper. I take it from him reading it to myself

Hello Boys
As you can see we're not here
And you'll never see us here again

~love Ava and Callie

I crumple the paper in a ball and throw it a crossed the room.

"Now what?" I ask myself running my hands through my hair

"Well fuck" I hear Zack curse

"Well fuck indeed, well fucking shit indeed" I answer back and head back to my truck, Zack following close behind me

Edit: July 14, 2020

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