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(Ava's POV)
*Beep, beep, beep* I slam my fist on the clock. I got up and walked into my bathroom. I got in the shower and cleaned up. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked into my closet and picked out my usual outfit. Dark blue ripped jeans, with a black T-shirt that says 'Don't Talk To me' in white lettering, and my normal navy blue hoodie. I throw on my socks and plain black vans. Walking down stairs and I was greeted by my adoptive brother Zack and my adoptive parents Molly and Cason. I looked around and Amy my sister was nowhere in sight.

"Morning A" said Zack

"Morning Z" I say "Is M, up?" I ask

"I don't know where she could be, maybe she is doing her-" he was cut off by our mom

"Ava, honey could you go get your sister please" said Molly

"Yeah sure" I say walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs to Amy's room. I knocked on the door than walked in, calling her name "Amy you here!" I ask

"Yeah in the bathroom" screams Amy from the bathroom. I walked in and yep she's doing her makeup, I just laughed

"What's with the 20 pounds of makeup?" I ask, she turned around and glared at me. I again laughed

"First I'm not wearing 20 pounds of makeup and second it's the first day of school, you have to look your best. Oh and I have cheer tryouts today" she says walking out of the bathroom, me following her. We walked down stairs and into the kitchen

"And she's alive" yells Zack

"Ha.ha.ha. laugh it out Zack" says Any glaring at him

"Girls, Zack eat. You have to get to school" says our mother

"Ok..." we all groan

We quickly eat and head out the door, but give our mom a hug or kiss before leaving. We head to our cars. Zack owns a black 2017 F-150 Ford, I own a blue 2006 F-150 Ford (A/N Don't judge me!), and Amy owns a red 2008 Chevrolet Camaro.

We got in our cars and headed off to school. I took the long way to school because I don't like showing up at the same time as my brother and sister. I love them and all, but Amy is a cheerleader and popular, Zack is called a bad Boy at school, but he is a real softy at home. Soon I pull up to the school. I found a spot and shut off the truck. I hop out and start walking toward the school. I was halfway to the front door when I was joined by my bestfriend Callie Falls, she is a red head with blueish/green eyes. I smile and we walk into the building heading for my locker.

"So... Ava did you hear?" Asked Callie as I pull my books out of my locker

"Hear, what?" I ask as we start to walk to her locker

"The new boys that are coming to our school" she answered as we got to her locker and she grabbed her books

"No, but I don't care" I say

"Well, I hear they're bad boys and they might be part of a gang"

"A gang? Hahaha. Are you series?" I say laughing


"That's the dumbest thing I've heard in awhile" I say as we walk to math class

"What if it's true tho?.. Wait isn't your brother in a gang?" She says as we sit down at our table

"No he's not and if he was than I would kill him" I say as we pull our things out of our bags

"Ok, well... wouldn't he kill you if he found out you were a street fighter?" I slapped my hand over her mouth and told her to shush. She nodded and I removed my hand

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