Chapter 13

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The gang house ^


(Lucas's POV)
"You fûcking ass" I just rolled my eyes at the two in front of me

"Don't curse at me, it wasn't my idea" Zack yelled back

"You" she turned in my direction and I jumped up off the couch. She had a shoe in her hand

"Wow, wow, wow, chill" I say putting my hands up in surrender "Put the damn shoe down"

"Put the damn shoe down" she mocked getting closer to me. I quickly jumped over the couch and slowly backed away from the living room

"Oh look a gang leader scared of little old me" I watched her put her hand over her chest, looking hurt

"That kinda terrifies me" I say pointing at the shoe in her hand and the murderous look in her eyes "Look we can talk about this"

"I've been in a damn coma for a week" she screamed at me, before I could react I felt a shoe hit my head. I look at her, but she's turned to her brother "Asshats" she muttered throwing her other shoe at his head, smaking him right in the face

"Hey!" He yelled, I slowly walked up behind Ava and quickly wrapped my arms around her arms and torso. She screamed and struggled

"Put me down now" suddenly I felt a kick to my area and released her grabbing my balls, she spun around grabbing my left arm and flipping me onto the coffee table breaking it.

"Really?" I groan rolling onto my side

"Were is Callie?" she flipped out a knife while saying this

"Where'd you get that" Zack screeched

"What the hell is going on down here?" Tom said appearing at the bottom of the steps. He looked between all of us and spotted the knife in Ava's hand "Wow, chill out" he throw his hands up

"Where's Callie?" She questioned throwing the knife at his head hitting the wall next to it

"Up stairs sleeping" he looked at the knife with a scared face before stepping off to the side so she could get up the stairs

"Some gang you are" she scoffed and walked up stairs

"Third door to the left" Tom called, there was no reply "Y'all messed up" he said walking into the kitchen

"Yea, of you need me I'll be down stairs" Zack said walking out quickly

"Rosa!" I yelled out, quickly a middle aged woman appeared "Clean this up" she disappeared and brought back a whole wagon of things. We break stuff a lot. She got to work and I headed for my office

(Ava's POV)
"God I've missed out" Callie said hugging me

"Me too" I sigh and relax into the hug

"So what's the plan?" She asked in a whisper after a minute. I pulled away and walked to the door. I locked it and walked over to the window

"I'm winging it" I shrug pushing open the window, I look out and see quite a bit of guards around. This could be interesting, I motion for Callie to follow me

"Someone's going to die" she whispers to herself

"Maybe" I call out as I climb on the roof, not to bad of a drop, I watch as the guard walks away and I jump, followed by Callie

"Now what?"

"Run" and we take off towards the woods. It'd take them a bit before they realized we'd left and by then we could be in town

We ran and ran and didn't stop. Keeping close together as we jump loges and ducked under tree branches. I could tell we had a few cuts from the trees, but not to bad. I stopped and Callie followed, there was a fence. At least seven feet high, I picked up a rock and throw it. I saw a spark come from the fence

"Really?" I heard Callie say in frustration

"Fucking moronic psychopaths"

"What do we do now?"

"Umm" I say looking around, I turned around when I heard a snap behind me

"You can come back with us" Lucas was smirking, I glared and crossed my arms, Callie following my actions

"Come on baby sis, don't make this harder then it has to be" Zack came from my left. We were cornered. Tom to our right, Zack on my left, and Lucas in front of me

"Why would we do that" Callie asked looking in Zack's direction. She was on my left, I uncrossed my arms and moved my left hand behind my back. No one seamed to notice

"Oh come on babe, you know you want this" I rolled my eyes at Zacks cockiness they moved closer and I pulled out the gun I stole from Lucas, pointing it right at his head "Really? Where do you always seam to get these kind of things?"

"I have my secrets" I rolled my eyes, I watched the idiots all pull out their own guns

"Yea like being a street fighter" Zack bit back

"Precisely" I looked back at Lucas, I was mediately draw to his eyes, there was something there that I couldn't quite figure out. Before I could do much more I heard a scream from my left

"Callie" I yelled looking over and seeing her limp body "What'd you do?!" I kept yelling pulling the gun on Zack

"Chill out A" he said as he closed in on Callie and I. I went to get up, but someone wrapped their arms around my torso

Edit: July 3, 2020

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