Chapter 9

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(Ava's POV)
*tap, tap, tap*

"Miss Smith, quite the tapping"

"Whatever" I roll my eyes. If you can't tell I'm tired, it's Friday

"Don't give me attitude" he stated rolling her eyes at me

"Don't roll your eyes at me" I snap back

"Detention after school, Miss Smith" I just sigh and lay my head on the desk

"What's wrong with you" I hear Callie whisper to me

"Amy had one of her "boyfriends" over last night while our parents were out. Not to mention Zack had a girl over too. Thin walls... thin walls" I mutter the last part. Callie giggles

"That sucks. You can stay over if you want. When do you're parents get back?"

"I don't know. They said when we get home they had to talk to us about something"

"Girls, stop it" Mr Palmer snapped

"Stop being an old grunt" I look at him in the eyes. The class started laughing and Mr Palmer was turning red

"Office. Now."

"Better then this class" I hop up out of my seat and heading down to office. I walk into the office and notice a familiar face.

"How did you end up here?" I just sat in the chair next to him "Hmm babe?"

"First of all I'm not you're babe, second of all it's really none of you're business" I heard a door open. We both look up to see the principle

"Really? You both are here" he sighed "alright what'd you do?" He looked at Lucas

"I punched a kid in the face and cursed out a teacher" he said leaning in the seat

"Well I'll see you in Friday and Saturday detention. What'd you do?" He said turning to me

"Sorry, no can do. I've got things to do tonight" Lucas stated cutting in

"Well it can't be to important"

"It is" Lucas said back

"Well if I don't see you this afternoon you're going to be suspended" Lucas rolled his eyes

"I back talked Me Palmer" I shrugged cutting in

"Really? Well see you for detention after school" I groan

"That won't work, I've got things to do as well"

"If I don't see both of you this afternoon you both will be suspended"

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and get up, Lucas following close behind one out in the hall I felt a hand wrap it's self around my wrist

"Bad girl are we now?" Lucas chuckled pulling me into his chest. He let go of me wrist and wrapped his arms around my waist. I laid my arms on his chest

"You have no idea" I mumbled

"What what does miss bad girl have planned for tonight? Watching Netflix with her girlfriends and gossiping?" I rolled my eyes and tried to get out of his arms. He just tightened his arms

"Well bad boy we don't do that. We watch Netflix but we also eat food and yea... we gossip" I roll my eyes again as he chuckles

"Well bad girl, I might have to drop by and ruin it" I move out of his grip and begin to walk to third period. Second period was about to finish

"See you around bad boy" I walk towards my class. I look back and see him on his phone. He was getting pissed, he stormed out of the school and the bell went off

"I wonder what that was about" I walk into my third period heading to my seat. There was no one here yet. I sigh and lean my head on the desk in front of me


Edit: July 1, 2020

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