Chatper 4

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(Ava's POV)
'I hate Him' *punch* 'he's so annoying' *punch* 'he uses girls' *round house kick* 'I hate him' *punch* 'I think I like him' *round house kick* 'he is so frustrating' I punched the bag again and it goes flying off the chain. I look down at it and sigh

"Well someone is pissed" says Callie from behind me, with 2 water bottles in her hands

"Yeah, sorry... it... it's just this new guy Lucas. He's been here less than a week and he's managed to get on my bad side and is hanging with my brother" i say taking a water from her and drinking some of it

"Well, he is a bad boy and likes to get on people's nerves" she answers sitting down on the bench me following her actions

"I have an idea" I say with a smile

Her smile drops and asks "Oh no, what are you planning?"

"Lets go back to my house"

"Ok" she says looking concerned

We quickly pack up and head for my truck. We hope in and head to my house. We pull up to my house and I cut the engine. We walk up to my room and I lock the door when we're both fully in

"Ok, you still know how to hack right?" I ask

"Yeah, why?" She answers sitting at my desk

"I need you to find everything you can on Lucas and his buddies"

"That's a smart idea. Yeah I can do that easily"

"Cool thanks, I'm gonna go get us some food and drinks. Want an ice tea?"

"Yeah, thanks" she answers getting out her lap top and starting her thing. She likes to hack, she's been hacking into stiff sense 4th grade

I walk down stairs and see no one is home still. I grab two ice teas. I walk back up the stairs and into my room

"I found something" she says and turns to me as I walk in "And you're not going to like it"

"What is it?" I say walking over to her and hand her her ice tea. I look at her laptop

'no freaking way' I look at her and back at the screen than back to her

"you have to be kidding me, right?"

"No, I'm not. Our new found 'friends' at our school are in a gang and pretty boy is their leader"

"I knew we had a gang in town and that pretty much ran everything, but who would have guessed Lucas Gray of all people would run it"

"Turns out their'er the most feared gang in the US"

"What the freaking bloody hell? Is there anything else?"

"No, I'm afraid not"

"Ok, well thank you. Would you like me to drive you home"


"Ok lets go"

We quickly change and grab her stuff, before heading for my truck. I pull out and head to her house. I drop her off and head back to my house. I pull up and Amy is back from cheer practice. Zack is still not home. I walk in and I'm greeted by Amy who is sitting on the couch watching HeartLand. A show we used to watch when we were little

"Hey, Ava. Want to watch some HeartLand with me? Its been awhile since we've hung out" she says with a warm smile. I just smile back

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I say and sit next to her

We laugh, play and ate popcorn. We mostly throw it at each other

(Callie's POV)
As soon as I got out of Ava's truck I shut the front door and she waved. I waved back and she pulled out of my driveway. I ran to my room and locked the door. I sat at my desk and pulled out my laptop and I did more research and hacking to find out who these guys were

****time skip (2 hours later)****

'No freaking way. That can't be right... I need to call Ava' I grabbed my phone and dial Ava's number. It rings for a bit, before she picks up

(ME) is Callie - (A) is Ava

A- "Hey what's up Callie"

ME- "Come over I've found out some more stuff your bot gonna like"

A- "About What?"

ME- "Zack and Lucas"

A- "Ok, I'm on my way, see you in a bit"

ME- "k see you in a bit"

-end of conversation-

As I was waiting for Ava I heard someone pull in.

'Ava can't be here already' I tell myself

I look out the window and see an unfamiliar car pull into my drive way. It was a black mustang. I shrank down as I watch the guy get out of his car and start to look around. He wasn't anyone I recognize, continuing to watch him. He was now walking towards the house. When out of sight I open my window and close my laptop hiding it under my bed before climbing onto my roof and laying as flat as I can next to the window.

I heard the front door open and someone walking up stairs. Holding my breath as I heard the guy walk into my room. It was like he knew where I'd be. I heard him looking around, before it sounded like he was calling someone

"Boss no ones here.... no I didn't.... ok, I'll call you back if I find anything.... bye" He hung up and I could here him looking around more "Viper, I know you're here, just come out and no one gets hurt"

'How did he know my fight name? How'd he find out where I lived?" I started freaking out. No only a moment later I say Ava's car coming down the street and come to a stop a few houses away. I watched as he got out of her car with her fighting hoodie on. As she got closer I say her look up at my window then look at me

"Callie Falls, the boss only wants to talk with you" I watched Ava start climbing up the tree that was next to my window and land on the roof.

(Ava's POV)
I looked at her as he called her name. She looked a bit shaken up. I put my finger to my lips and pressed a little button on my hoodie, before crawling closer to the window. I heard him walk over to the window, before he could react I Jumped throw the window and landed on him.

"Why are you here?" I question with a deep voice that was not my own. I'm using a voice changer. I held him on the ground with my boot on his throat

"Hello Devil"
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Edited May 3, 2020

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