Chapter 16

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⚠️Warning⚠️ only a filler chapter

(Callie's POV)
I groan sitting up and I look around. I was in pretty much an all gray room. There was a desk to my right, there were two doors to my left. I got up and headed for the door directly in front of the bed. I walk towards it, slowly opening the door seeing as it's unlocked. I silently walked out and down the hall leaving the door open. I was walking down the hall when I heard my name being called

"Callie?!" It sounded like Zack, I quickened my pace and before I could go down the stairs someone grabbed me around the waist

"Put me down" I yell thrashing around "Let me go, let me go" I scream louder. I was pulled into the room I woke up in

"Callie, stop it" I felt a hand go over my mouth "I'm not going to hurt you" he turned me around and pushed me up against the door "I'm gonna take my hand off you're mouth and you're not gonna scream" I nod

"W-What are you g-gonn-a do to me?" I stutter, I don't even know why, but my fighting instincts are sucking ass right now

"I'm not gonna do anything to you, Callie" he said

He wrapped an arm around my waist and his other hand creased my check. I looked down, shock was clear on my face as I see I'm in a shirt that wasn't mine. I didn't even have pants on, looking back up I see Zack checking me out. I reach up and punch him in the face

"What the hell?" I ask shocked

"I could ask you the same question" he said holding his nose and backed up, I saw blood "Why would you punch me?"

"Stop checking me out" I say walking slowly towards the closest door to me. I quickly open it and run in, I locked it and Zack started pounding on the door.

"Where is Ava?" I look around, but I had nowhere to go

"Callie, let me in! I swear to god I'll brake this door down" I hid in the shower and just state there.

Next thing I know a big crash was heard and I scoot as far as I can in the corner as I see the shower door get ripped open. Grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the bathroom. He throw me onto the bed and started changing. I looked away and crawl near the head bored

"Why am I here?" I ask look at him as he stands with his arms crossed at the front of the bed

"Because you are"

"That's not an answer"

"It's always an answer"

"Asshat" I mumble

Not much of a chapter, but meh🤷‍♀️

Someone give me an idea for this book to go, while I come up with an idea for this book, I'm gonna be working on my other books

That's it,
~ The Devil

Edit: July 11, 2020

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