Chapter 3

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Disclaimer this is just filler chapter

(Ava's POV)
*Beep, beep, beep* I groaned and hit my alarm clock. The pain from when the girl punched me in the stomach finally caught up with me. I got up slowly and walked into my bathroom. I lifted my shirt, to see a black bruise

'shit' I cursed to myself.

I put my shirt down and walked to my closet. I grabbed a blue top and ripped jeans. I pulled on my socks, my black vans and walked down stairs. I saw Zack eating cereal and Amy eating french toast. I grabbed a bowl and filled it with captain crunch. I sat in my seat, but as I sat down I winced in pain.

"You ok, Ava?" Asks Amy

"Yeah, just hit my side on my desk" I answer

"Way to go, klutz" says Zack laughing and cleaning his bowl

"No one asked for your opinion Zack" says Amy getting up and cleaning her plat "I got to go. See you guys at school" she says exiting the house with Zack and I not far behind

I soon arrive at school. I was walking into the school to go meet up with Callie when I bumped into someone. I felt the pain from my bruise come back. I held my stomach and looked up to see, none other than the new guy, Lucas Gray himself, the bad Boy.

"Oh, I'm sor-" before I could finish he cut me off

"Watch where your going birch!" He yelled at me. I took a step back and went to turn around. He just laughed, I turned back around and punched him square in the face

"Watch your tongue next time and maybe I will be nicer" I say before walking off

I notice that there was a crowed gathering around us. I smiled at them and they let me throw. I saw out of the corner of my eye Lucas's friends and my brother were helping him up and taking him somewhere. Callie came up to me looking very confused

"What just happened?" She asks

"An idiot got what he deserved" I say walking with from and into first period

****Magical Time Skip (After Lunch)****
(Ava's POV)
I walk out of the building with Callie right next to me. We walk to my truck. Oh yeah, Callie walks to school, but mainly because her parents don't want to buy her a car.

"Hey, let's go to the club. I need something to punch" I say hopping In my truck, Callie getting into the passenger side

"Ok, let's go. There aren't any fights tonight for us though" she answers

"That's fine, I just want something to punch"

"Ok" she says as I pull out of the school parking lot and head for the fight club

Cliff Hanger, Muhahaha
Hope you like this chapter

Edited May 3, 2020

Edited June 25, 2020

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