Chapter 12

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(Callie's POV)
I look at Ava's fragile body on the hospital bed. I had convinced Lucas to let me take her to the hospital, I quickly got her loaded in the back of the car. I took her stuff from Lucas. Lucas had started following me, I quickly lost him and went two towns over. I needed to get her away from him.

I had entered her under a different name Lilly Truth. Bad name I know, but I need something so idiot can't track her. I don't want him around her, he's a sick psychopath. I found jail records, he's been caught with lots of counts of murder, but he got away from it.

I was sitting in the uncomfortable seat when I heard the door open. I look and was shocked when I saw Zack and Lucas walking. I jump up and step in front of Ava

"Stay away" I grit out "We don't want you here"

"You thought you could hid her from me? You were very mistaken" I watched as Zack whistled and two guys entered. They walked towards me and I went to punch one of them, but I was too slow

"What are you doing!?" I screamed as they grabbed both my arms and started dragging me out of the room "Don't touché her! Let me go!" They started dragging me down the hall, no one look in my direction

They had dragged me to a black SUV. Throwing me in the back. Before I could escape I felt something pinch my shoulder. Next thing I know, it's lights out

(Ava's POV)
I could hear screaming. And someone struggling. I tried to open my eyes, moving a part of my body, but it wasn't happening. I was getting worried, all I could do was listen. I relaxed my body and just listened.

"Ava?" I heard my brothers voice

"Let's get her to gang hospital and I'll have Sahara keep an eye on her" it was Lucas, my heart started beating faster and I could hear a load beeping noise

"Shit, get a doctor" my brother yell grabbing my hand "Come on Ava" I heard doctors coming in and out, before I hit darkness again

Another chapter, short and sweet😉

Edit: July 2, 2020

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