Chapter 14

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(Ava's POV)
I shot up and looked around. I was in a really big room. I look around more and see two doors, probably the bathroom and closet. There was a big window covered with white curtains. It was what you expected from a boy. A full black room, the bed, walls, dresser, doors. There was a big flat screen tv in front of the bed.

As I slowly started pulling the covers off, I realized I was no longer in the clothes I was in originally. I was in a big plain black t-shirt. I didn't have pants on, only the short and my undergarments. I get off the bed and look in the mirror that was next to the bed

"Who the hell changed me?" I say to myself

I heard a door open and I spun around quickly. Lucas walked out and was only in a towel. His wet hair was in his face, it gave away the fact he just got out of the shower. My eyes travel to his six pack, before the could lower any further he chuckled

"Like what you see baby?" He said with a smirk leaning on the door frame

"I've seen better" I scoff looking away

"Hmm, You sure" he said walking towards me, I backed up and my knees hit the bed making me fall backwards onto the bed

"Y-y-yes" I stutter as he leaned down, putting his hands on either side of my head. I sucked in my breath as he leaned further in

"Do don't sound to sure" he whispered into my ear with a soft chuckle. "You looks so sexy in my shirt"

He lightly kissed my neck a few times, slowly making his way up the side of my jaw. Still holding my breath I closed my eyes and laid my head back. I opened my eyes when I felt him stop. His lips hovering just over mine, he was looking between my eyes and lips. I could feel his hot breath facing my face. He was about to lean in more when there was a knock on the door. He lifted up and I let out my breath

"Who is it" he called walking over to his dresser. I was still in a dais as the door opened

"Sir, you're Jacob is here" I hear a sigh

"Tell him I'll be down in a minute" Lucas called, both boys totally Ignoring my messed up self on the bed

"Ok" the guy closed the door and left. I lift myself up and turn to see Lucas coming out of the closet buttoning up his shirt

"Just stay up here, I'll be back in a little bit" Lucas said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. I nod and he goes to leave

"I'm hungry" I say awkwardly fidgeting with the end of my shirt, well Lucas's shirt

"I'll send Rosa up with some food" with that he left, sighed and got up.

"I need a shower"

I make my way to the bathroom and look around inside. It's was gray all around. I locate the shower and turn it on. I pull off my shirt and look in the mirror, my body was ok. I was skinny, but I had a four pack. My breast were a normal size, I guess. I wasn't very curvy. My reddish brown hair came to about my breast and I was pretty short about 5'3. I quickly get out of my underwear and bra before hopping into the shower. I look around for soap and see Lucas's soap.

"No shit Sherlock, this is is bathroom"

I grab it and put it into my hair. I quickly finish my shower and get out wrapping a towel around my body. I pick up my clothes and exit the bathroom. Realizing I don't have a change of clothes, I jumped when I heard the door open. It was a middle aged woman with short grayish blond hair. She was short and plump with a soft smile on her face

"Hello dear, Lucas tells me you were hungry" I nod as she sets a plate of food on the table. "Oh dear, I also have some undergarments and clothes for you as well. I don't know if the clothes will fit you or not, they blond to my granddaughter" she handed me a bag

"Thank you" I nod,

"just touché this button if you need anything" she said pointing to a button next to the door. I nod against and she goes to leave

As soon as the door closes, I run into the closet and pull out the clothes that were given to me. They were indeed to small. The undergarments were fine, but I could wear the clothes so I just grabbed one of Lucas's gray t-shirts and pulled it over my head. After I just laid in bed and proceeded to watch tv for the next few hours. Before you ask, why don't I run. I don't know where Callie is and I need to find a better way out. Plus the window is sealed shut

Edit: July 3, 2020

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