Chapter 10

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"Funny, I never would have taken you to be a street fighter" I hear a familiar voice behind me. I tense up, I hit the voice changer button

"I don't know what you're talking about? I don't even know you" I say, not turning around. I heard a deep slightly angry chuckle

"Oh come on now, don't play games with me" I heard him walk closer

"Seriously I don't know you, and I don't know what you're talking about" i felt a hand wrap around my arm. I spin around grabbing his hand

"Ava, Ava, Ava don't lie to me. You know exactly who I am" he pulled my hood down "Hello bad girl"

I probably looked shocked, because that's what I'm feeling. I look at his eyes and search for something anything. All I saw was anger and something else

"W-w-What.... how d-did you" I stutter letting go of his arm and I start backing away. He started slowly walking towards me. I hit the table

"Oh my little bad girl, when you looked at me in the ring I saw you're eyes. I could never forget those eyes my sweat girl. Never" he whispered in my ear as he pulled me onto the table, his hand on my hips


(A few hours earlier)
(Ava's POV)
"So you got detention?" Amy asks as I lean on my truck

"How'd you get detention?" Asked Zack, I roll my eyes

"Back talked Me Palmer and one thing led to another I've got detention"

"What else did you do?" Any said crossing her arms. We were pretty much the only ones left in the parking lot

"I back talked the principal as well" I say looking away

"Really? Why"

"I wasn't in the mood to deal with everyone's bullshit" I say and look back at them "look, now I've gotta go. Detention awaits" I say walking away "Don't wait for me, I'm staying at Callie's" I call over my shoulder walking into the school

I quickly get out of their sight watching them get in their cars and head out of the school parking lot. I quickly leave before a teacher catches me and head for my truck. As I climb in Callie climbs up front from the back seat. She was hiding to not cause and suspicion

"Dude, I'm never doing that again" she said buckling up we headed off to the gym

As we pulled in it wasn't packed like usual. There was going to be a big fight tonight. Me against the undefeated champion of Kentucky. Only a state over, apparently he's moved here. I have a little hunch on who it might be, but it's only a hunch

(A few hours later)
We were all geared up ready for our fights, I was standing in the shadows as they called up Callie. She was fighting some girl named 'Tiger Lilly' stupid really. She ended it quite quickly, I would have too. She was real weak. After about 20 more boring fights it was my turn.

"Now for the championship fighttttt" he drew out "The opponent The Red Dragon, the champion of Kentucky" a guy wearing a red hoodie hopped up into the old beat up ring "Up against our champion of Georgia, The Devilllll"

I got up onto the mat. As I did, I watched the guy take his hood off. I was shocked to say the least, it was Lucas. I took a small step back. I forgot to pull my hood down before hopping in here and now he could see my eyes, I had a mask on covering most of my face. I saw something flash through his eyes before he got into a fighting stance. I pulled my hood down and turn on my voice changer. I got into my stance

The bell rang and he came at me. I ducked and swept his feet out from under him. He groaned as his back hit the ground. He quickly got up and turned to me, I looked into his eyes. He looked down at my body and I was caught off guard. He took his chance and punched me in the gut I groaned, then he went for an upper cut to my face

"Asshat" I tell myself as I stumble. I could feel my nose bleeding

"That all you got bad boy?" I question him, smirking. He grumbles

I quickly regain my balance and punch him in the face, he stubbles to the side and I quickly do a round house kick to the side of the face. I watched him go down. Quickly straddling his waist I throw punch after punch. He flipped us over so he was on top. I dodge some of his punches, only got a few hits. My hood was falling off

"Shit, I need to think of something. Quick"

I kneed him in his area, cheap shot I know, but I can't lose this fight. He fell over to the side and I did a quick kick to his side a few times before they started counting out. He was groaning loudly

"One!.... Two!.... Three!..." there was a lot of cheering. I stubble out of the ring and to the locker room. Callie close behind. I fall slightly as I get to my locker my vision going in and out

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