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I don't know where I'm at or how I got here. Last thing I remember, I was getting jumped by some of my dad's friends and then I got shoved in a van. He told them not to bring me back til I was straight. He paid them to get rid of me and I guess leaving me in the middle of nowhere was their way of doing that. I mean good thing I'm almost eighteen huh? I can be on my own.

Things were so much better before my mom died.

"Fuck, they took every thing," I sighed as I checked my empty pockets.

There is nothing around me but dirt and road. The least I could do is start walking I guess. Sure enough this road leads to somewhere right?

So today is Sunday. Or at least thats the day it was when I was tossed into that van. I dont know how long I was in there. Shit I dont even remember how I got out and ended up here. At least they didnt steal my shoes. That would have sucked considering that now I have to walk to find a bank. My wallet is gone and so is my I.D and everything else. Fuck.

How come no one noticed that I was gone? How long have I even been gone. And where the fuck am I even at? I bet you I'm in LA or some shit. It smells like white girls and spray tans.

I began to walk down the long endless road, hoping that someone would drive by and give me a ride to town but it seemed like hours passed before I gave up on that wish.


"You need to get it together, you cant keep pushing away the people that care!" My mom yelled at me. "You have a career now and you moved out, but I'm still your mother, and he is still your father!" She smacked my head.

She's yelling at me because she claims I'm distant since I moved out. It's not my fault. I have a busy schedule now. I have studio sessions, meet and greets, tours, writing music, and just a whole lot of other shit.

"Mom it's not like I'm avoiding you, I just been busy," I sighed. "That's why I came tonight. I only have tonight and tomorrow off for the next three weeks. And I plan of sleeping my weight away tomorrow." I explained.

"Oh baby then you have a lot of sleeping to do with ya fat ass," my mom laughed. My dad joining in soon after.

"You know what? Goodnight," I grabbed my coat and put it back on. "I'll come back around noon tomorrow and we can go eat or something, spend the day together." I suggested.

"Okay, I love you, drive safe," my mom said as I walked out the door.

"Bye Fat ass!" My dad yelled.

"Bye love you," I walked and got into my car. I hate driving home from my parents house cause for at least a good six miles, it's nothing but road and dirt for a good hour and a half. Irritates my soul but I love my parents so I do it anyways.'

About thirty minutes into my drive I noticed saw a small figure walking alongside the road. I stopped to see if he was okay. "Hey you good?" I asked when I rolled the window down halfway.

He looked up at me and relief swept across his face and was quickly replaced with a blank stare. "Uh I think I'm lost." he said.

"You think or you know?" I asked.

"Well uh my dad paid some guys to beat me up and get rid of me, and I woke up a few miles back with my wallet and everything gone so I'm just looking for a bank or something so I can get a hotel." He explained.

"Why did your dad do that?" I asked.

"Cause he doesnt want a gay son," he shrugged. I could see that it pained him just by the way his facial expression completely changed. "So here I am in the middle of nowhere. I dont even know what state I'm in," he sighed.

"Well you are in LA," I said. "You need a ride or something?"

"As good as that sounds, you really dont have to," he sighed. "I'll get there."

"Well where ever there is, this road dont end for another hour and that's by car," I chuckled. "It's really no problem. I can take you to a bank." I offered. I need to figure out where I know him from. His voice is so familiar.

He smiled and climbed into the passenger seat, taking his hood off his head when he was buckled. I noticed he has blue dreads which are hanging lazily in a ponytail at the top of his head.

" hi," I said quickly.

"Hi," he chuckled. "You look familiar," he eyeballed me.

"Ski Mask," I told him my name.

"Oh," he said quietly. "Y-you dont have to take m-me."

"It's really no problem," I chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay, uh thanks," he said as he looked out the window as I began to drive again.

Whew chile.. this finna be a long ass drive..

This the first chapter so it might be ass, sorry.

Why ya'll think Ski and X are enemies ?

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