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Y'all I just posted a new book so go read that


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"Geneva what the fuck is wrong with you!"

Taylor, Jared, Michael and I sat in the front room quietly, as Geneva and Stokeley argued.

Apparently Geneva was caught making out with a groupie. Now Stokeley is pissed. He's saying she humiliated him and betrayed him again.

I mean after all the tea I've heard, I don't know why he even cares. He's using her to get over me. They are using each other. And that's just fucked up if you ask me.

"Poor Ski," Taylor sighed as she sat on my lap and pecked my cheek.

"Ski I didn't mean it!"

"Bitch why the fuck were you even inviting fucking groupies to my dressing room?" Ski yelled.

"Oh-" I covered my mouth.

"It wasn't supposed to go that fa-"

"And he nutted in you! Are you fucking stupid!" Ski yelled.


"Just Get the fuck out and go home!" He yelled.

"Baby!" She started crying.


We all flinched when his voice got way loud.

"Well damn she done broke Ski," I laughed.

"She's wrong for that," Michael mumbled.

"Yeah," Taylor smiled. She moved off my lap and went on her phone.

The back door flew open and Geneva came walking out with her suitcase. She didn't say anything she isn't walked off the bus.

A few seconds later, Stokeley came out the back and sat in the front with us.

"So y'all done?" I asked.

"Yeah she's too much bro," Ski sighed. "She really was in my dressing room fucking someone."

"I thought she was joking when she said she wanted to fuck some groupies," Taylor gasped.

"You knew," I asked her.

"No I didn't know she did it, she was just joking about wanting to do it, or at least I thought she was." Taylor explained.

"Yo ass probably did it with her," ski glared at her.

"I didn't," Taylor said.

"I wouldn't be surprised, you look like a fucking pornstar," he chuckled.

"Aye chill out. Just cause your girlfriend was a hoe doesn't mean you get to take it out on her," I told Ski.

"Man whatever, both of y'all ain't shit," ski rolled his eyes.

I stood up, "What is wrong with you? I didn't do shit to you."

"You didn't do shit to me?" He asked as he began to laugh.

"No I didn't," I sighed.

"You have her here." He furrowed his brows.

"And whose fault is that?" I asked.

"Man fuck you," he shook his head and went outside.

I sighed and ran my hands over my face.

"Babe can I talk to you," Taylor asked me.

"Yeah come on," I told her and led her to the back room. I laid back on our bed and waited for her to start talking as I rubbed her back.

"I think I should go home," she said.

I sat up, "why? You don't wanna be with me baby?" I frowned.

"We aren't even together, we just be-"

"No you're mine," I said.

"Well I don't feel comfortable and y-"

"Please. I'll talk to Ski and I'll do whatever you want? Do leave me," I asked.

"And we don't do nothing but go to your concerts and watch movies," she said.

"We can do stuff. There's a fair someone around here you wanna go?" I asked.

I pulled her to me and kissed her lips, smiling when she kissed back.

"Jah I really should go," she said.

I ignored her and pushed her into the bed, beginning to take her dress off.

A/n: there is no way in hell im writing a straight sex scene in this book💀hell's no. So just know they just fucked.

We laid in the bed, as I traced my fingers over Taylor's back.

She stood up and started putting her clothes back on, "I shouldn't have done that." She said.

"Your really finna just leave me?" I asked.

I pulled my basketball shorts back on.

"Jah I don't wanna stay, I can't. And they hate me that just makes me wanna go," she said.

"They don't hate you," I sighed.

"Jah I'm leaving, just let me go," she went to grab her bag.

"Taylor if you go back home, we aren't going to be together. I'm not doing long distance."

"Then I guess we are over then," she shrugged. She grabbed her suitcase and headed to the door.

"Are you serious right now," I asked her.

"Taylor I like you and care about so much, why are you being like this?" I asked. "Is there someone else?"

She looked away and shook her head.

"You're lying," I chuckled. "Really Taylor. I just defended you and pissed off my friend because he tried to say you did that, and you are doing it? You cheated?" I stepped closer to her.

"It doesn't matter just, leave me alone." She said softly and then walked away. I watched as she walked off the bus and left me behind.

"Fuck!" I punched the door.

"What happened?" Michael asked.

"Fucking Ski happened!" I yelled.

"How the fuck is he gonna treat me like shit and then fuck up my future relationships! He doesn't get to do that! He doesn't get to claim to love me , hurt me and then do this. It's not fair," I felt tears run down my face.

"Man this fucking tour better be over sooner cause so can't do it."

"She wasn't the right one for you," Jared said. "If she was she would go through any obstacle to be with you."

"Man fuck her and fuck him! Fuck love!"

"Felt that," Michael laughed. "Oh I wrote some song called fuck love."

"You do music," Jared asked.

"Yeah but I have stage fright so I'd never show anyone," he said quietly.

"We gon work on that," Jared said.

"Let me hear it," I asked.

"Hell no."

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