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Guys since I'm giving you a smut, please.

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By the way this is the last chapter!!!

I'll drop the sequel when this chapter gets

40 votes


Stokeley and I walked off stage hand in hand. He had just confessed his love for me in front of the whole world and then we did our concert.

We turned the corner down the hallway of to our dressing rooms. But before we even made it down the hallway, I was pinned to the wall. Stokeley wasted no time attacking lips with his.

I put one hand on his shoulder and the other on his chest as his tongue danced across my lips asking for entrance. I declined seeing as we were in public.

"Stop someone will see," I giggled.

"So let them," he looked into my eyes. "Let then see how much I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested them there.

"There you two are," Darrel, our manager approached us. "I booked you two on Ellen tomorrow morning at eleven." He told us.

"Ellen?" I asked.

"She's in Florida?" I mumbled.

"Yeah so?" He asked.

"So I don't want to go to Florida," I said.

"Well that's all I can do," he said. "It's too late to move it," he explained.

"We need extra security then," Stokeley told him.

"Why?" Darrel asked.

"Just do it or we aren't going," Stokeley said.

"Okay but can you explain why?" Darrel asked.

"Because my dad is there. My dad and all his friends that did things they shouldn't have done," I retorted and walked away.

"Man jut get the security," Stokeley said and then followed behind me. He grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking away.

"Hey what did they do to you?" He asked.

"They did things," I mumbled and looked at the ground. "I don't want to talk about it right now, we are having a good time. Don't ruin it."

"Okay, I won't push you, but you're gonna have to tell me sooner or later," he picked my head up and kissed my lips. "Come on we have somewhere to go." He smiled.

"Where?" I smiled.

"Somewhere," he smiled.

"Is there food?" I asked.

"Nig-" he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Just cause I'm small don't mean this is okay!" I laughed as he carried me out the building. We had to walk past the fans and reporters and some paparazzi.

"How long have you two been together!"

"You lost a few fans tonight!"

"When are the kids coming!"

"Kids, What?" I laughed.

"Hey," I smiled at some people from over Stokeleys shoulder.

"X! How did you turn Ski out!" Someone asked.

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