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I woke up and saw that it was going on twelve so I got up got dressed to go to my moms house. I popped a tic tac in my mouth and tied my Durag around my head before walking into the hallway. I stopped in front of Jahseh's door when I heard him crying on the other side of the door. I knocked.

"Hey are you okay?" I opened his door slowly.

He wasn't in the room so I assumed he was in the bathroom. I followed his cries until I reached the open bathroom door. He was rinsing a wash cloth out in the sink and I watched as the pink water flowed down the drain.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"My nose was bleeding sorry," he said quickly.

"Why are you crying?" I asked his eyes were red and his face was puffy, his cheeks wet from tears.

"I wasn't," he wiped his face with his hoodie sleeve and turned to face me. He looked like he was ready to fall apart at any given moment. A fragile soul ready to shatter.

"You look like you were," I stated.

"Just allergies, I think I was allergic to the soap," he lied. There isn't even any soap in this bathroom cause I leave it in the hallway closet. Only thing that was in here was towels and tissue.

I furrowed my brows, "you sure your nose was bleeding?" I asked.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Can you take me to the bank?" He asked.

"Yeah But I have to go to the studio to sign something first," I said.

"Okay," he mumbled. Somethings not right with him I can tell but he just met me last night so I doubt he'll tell me.

A/n: so if you live in Phoenix, do not. I repeat DO NOT go get your nails done at the Walmart on 59th and northern because when I tell you they fucked up my nails. I mean they did a good job but they amount of money they charge, there work should be way better. They almost broke my damn finger and the lady drilled my finger like five times with that drill thingy. My nails are cute but I'm not impressed. I should have went to my normal spot. Now I can't go back till next month cause my nail lady gonna be mad I went somewhere else. But my mom wanted to go since we were closer to there. Smh they disappoint me.

I noticed that the sleeves on his hoodie started to turn a slight red since his hoodie was an almost white color. "You're bleeding." I told him.

"Oh." He looked down at his wrists and said nothing yet again.

"What happened?" I walked closer to him. He backed up.

"Nothing stop coming by me." He backed up some more.

"Tell me what happened," I said slowly.

"Why? You don't even know me so I don't know why you care so much?" He rolled his eyes.

"Because no one deserves to feel alone or be alone. Cause I know how it feels to have no one so maybe I just wanna help?" I said honestly.

"You know how I feel? Really?" He laughed. "Your mom gave your siblings away to their dads before she died and left you with your homophobic, abusive dad? Who paid people to get rid of you?" His eyes watered. "Can you just take me to a bank so I can go get a hotel?"

"Jahseh I am sorry that you had to go through that. I wish i could say it'll be okay but to be honest it probably won't. There's gonna be times where its amazing and so much better but there's also going to be times where nothing goes right and you feel like nothings going to get better. But you have to hang in there. Do it for your ma," I told him.

"Why are you so close to me?" He asked. I noticed that I was Inches away from him.

"I- don't know. Sorry," I backed up. I looked at him. He's beautiful, who couldn't love him? Who would want to hurt him. Why would you hurt such a pure soul?

"It's fine, " he sighed. "Just.. stop trying to get close to me. I don't want to get hurt. I can't take one more person waking out on me." He looked at the floor.

"How do you know imma walk away?" I asked.

"Cause that's what everyone does," he yelled. "Everyone takes what they want and then leave you open and wounded!"

"How about this? If I walk away, you can kill me," I suggested.

"I wouldn't do that," he said.

"And I wouldn't just walk away," I said.

"Okay fine, I don't have the energy to argue with you," he shook his head.

"Okay come on I have to go before my manager starts trippin," I told him.

He nodded his head and then we made our way to the bank first since he wouldn't let me pay for him to get breakfast because "he don't need no one to feed him" . His words.

"Happy now?" I asked him after he got his new bank card and ID.

"Yeah now I just need a job cause this fifty thousand ain't gon last forever,"he sighed.

"I have a whole ass job waiting for you all you have to do is say yes." I told him.

"You really think imma make a good singer?" He chuckled.

"With all the things you've been through? Yeah, I do. You just have to put all that into your music," I replied as I pulled into the ihop.

"Okay then," he said.

"Okay what?"

"Okay I'll do it," he said. "I hope you're right."

"I know i am. You're Jahseh you can do anything," I smiled at him.

"Welcome to IHOP how may I help you?" The lady at the register asked when we walked in.

"We place an order we are just here to pick it up," Jahseh told her.

"Okay I'll just go get that for you," she winked at him.

"Ew take yo cringy ass on," I gagged And walked away.

She walked away and a few minutes came back with our food.

"Thank you have a sweet day beautiful," Jahseh told her. She blushed and smiled.

"Thanks you too."

Jahseh smiled and then we walked away and got back into the car. You would never know this kid was gay unless he told you.

We waited until we got to the studio to start eating while we sat in a conference room. Jahseh sat by himself in a corner.

"So this is for your tour in three months." Kevin, my manager told me.

"Okay," I said as I signed these papers. "Oh this is Jahseh. He's willing to be your next artist," I told him.

"I need someone gay," he shook his head.

"He is gay," I said.

"Oh I didn't know you were gay? How long you too been together?" Kevin asked.

"No no none of that. I don't do that gay shit. Mmm mmm fuck to the fucking no. That's fucking disgusting. I don't care if he gay but none of that over here. Hell nahh!" I said quickly.

"A simple no, would have done it," Kevin shook his head.

"Nice to know you think I'm disgusting." Jah said quietly as he stood up and walked out the door.


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