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It was the night before Christmas..

And all you ladies was....

Poppin yo pussy like this..

Hey biches get this to 20 votes

I laid on my couch and turned the tv on and got comfortable. I pulled my blanket over my body. I decided I wanted to watch trolls.

My phone started ringing and I answered it. "Hey baby." I said into the phone.

"Why is that goofy ass nigga walking to your door?" He asked. He sounds mad mad.

"What goofy ass nigga?" I furrowed my brows and climbed off the couch.

"Stokeley," he spat.

"I don't know hold on," I walked over to my front door and opened it just in time to see Stokeley about to knock.

"What are you doing here," I asked him with my phone still to my ear.

"We gotta talk," he said.

"We could've talked at the studio earlier. You finna get me in trouble why are you here?" I whined.

"In trouble by who?" He chuckled.

"By my boyfriend, he don't like you," I said.

"Nah I hate that nigga," Kevin hung up the phone.

"Look now I'm in trouble," I sat my phone on the little table next to my door since I didn't have any pockets in my sweatpants.

"Yo nigga can grow up and realize he don't own you," Stokeley crossed his arms.

"Stokeley What do you want?" I asked.

"I want to talk to you," He said again.

"Come in," i sighed and let him in. "Let me just hold on." I dialed Kevin's number. "Are you coming in?"

"Nah I'll come back tomorrow," Kevin said through the phone.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah Imma just go see my mom in the hospital and then my sister at the other hospital," he sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too, tell him I say hi." I hung up.

"So what do you want?" I asked stokeley again as I flopped on my couch.

"I miss you and I feel like you hate me for some reason," he frowned.

"You don't say," I said sarcastically.

"Why do you hate me?" He asked.

"Cause you said things that hurt my feelings. And just things like that, so I don't like you." I explained.

"I apologize," he said as he sat down closer to me.

"Okay is that all?" I asked.

"Can we Fix this?" He asked.

"I don't know if I want to," I shrugged and grabbed the remote.

"Please?" He begged.

"Alright fine, now shut up I wanna watch this."

Thirty minutes later..

"I swear to god if you rewind it to that song one more time," stokeley groaned

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