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That nigga was wrong for that🙄faulty pussy ass boy.

So.. you guys have been following my Renault for comments and votes. So I'll give you A chapter. But same goes for this one.

45 votes and 45 comments for update.



I rushed into the meeting with Stokeley, Gazzy, Jared, and Darell. (I forgot what I put his managers name as so I'm using Darell) I was late because I overslept. Kevin was over last night and... yeah...

"Sorry I'm late I had something but I'm here sorry," I rushed into a seat.

"Why you late fool?" Jared asked.

"Uh I Uh-" I stammered for a lie. "I was just- I Uh had a thing." I said.

"Inside of you," Jared said.

"Shut the hell up you sad bitch," I glared at him.

"Comma!" Gazzy jumper in.

"What Gazzy?" I looked at him. "Comm- you know what never mind."

"So why were you late?" Stokeley asked me.

"I was with um someone and we were just running late this morning." I simply said.

"Why don't you just say you was fucking so we can move on?" Darrel laughed.

"Cause whether or not I was tooting my ass up is nunya business." I smiled.

"He was tooting that ass up," Jared snickered.

"Jared you mad cause you don't have a ass to toot up or some one willing to toot they ass up for you," I laughed.

"As a sad nigga, I'm offended." He held his chest.

"Jared Shut the fuck up, why was you late." Stokeley asked me.

"Well like they just said, I was tooting my ass up," I smiled at him.

"Come here I gotta talk to you it's important," he stood up and walked out of the meeting room.

I looked at Jared and he shrugged. "I'll be back in a minute." I sighed and followed behind Stokeley. He led to me his private studio and we walked in.

"Why you keep playin," he asked me.

"What did I do?" I asked as I stood in front of the closed door.

"You know I want you and you still with him after what we did? And you're marrying him?" He almost yelled.

"What I do is none of you're business," I said. "And we both know you only want sex from me so don't even start with me," I shook my head.

"So what if I just want sex? Maybe one day I'd like more?" He sighed as he walked closer to me.

"Well this ain't Spencer's I'm not ya sex toy buddy. You better go down the street in la and find you one," I rolled my eyes.

"But I want you. I wanna have sex with you," He was inches away from me. "Tell me you didn't enjoy it."

"It don't matter cause I'm not doing it ag-" I was cut off when he wrapped his hand around my throat, squeezing it roughly.

"Gimme kiss," he demanded.

"I'm good on that, back up," I said.

"Kiss. Me." His lips inches from my lips.

"Stokeley, I have someone so you need to chill o-" I was cut off when he connected his lips with my neck.

He began kissing around my jawline and then my lips. "I want you Jah," he said against my lips. I felt myself stiffin my joggers. "I can feel that you want me to."

"We can't do this here, someone will hear," I said lowly.

"So let them," he groaned.

"You're ready to come on and explain to the world why we were in this room while those sounds were leaving it?" I tilted my head.

"Them head tilts iconic!" The readers sighed.

"N-no," he sighed.

"Then we can't do it here," I said.

A/n: btw Jahseh's boyfriend name is Dean Lewis now. I changed it cause I can. Look him up and listen to his song Be Alright. I love his voice. Okay back to the story.

"I'll be at ya house at ten tonight, be ready for daddy." He pecked my lips. "And I dont care about ya boyfriend, he can be replaced." He walked around me and out the door.

I brought my hand up to my lips and sighed. Why does he do this to me? Why am I doing this to myself.


--Maya out this biotchhh dueces.

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